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Monday, November 13, 2017
From the Papyrus of Nekht, Brit. Mus. No. 10471, Sheet 21
NEKHT, the captain of soldiers, the royal scribe, sings a hymn of praise to Ra, and says:
HOMAGE to you, glorious Being, you who are dowered [with all sovereignty].
Tem-Heru-Khuti (Tem-Harmakhis), when you rise in the horizon of heaven a cry of joy goes forth to you from all people.
You beautiful Being, you do indeed renew yourself in your season in the form of the disk, within your mother Hathor.
Therefore in every place every heart swells with joy at your rising for ever.
The regions of the south and the north come to you with homage, and send forth acclamations at your rising on the horizon of heaven, and you illumine the Two Lands (Egypt) with rays of turquoise-[coloured] light.
Ra, who are Heru-Khuti, the divine man-child, the heir of eternity, self-begotten and self-born, king of the earth, prince of the tuat (the other world), governor of Aukert, you came from the water-lord, you sprang from the sky-god Nu, who cherishes you and order your members.
You god of life, you lord of love, all men live when you shine; you are crowned king of the gods.
The goddess Nut embraces you, and the goddess Mut enfolds you at all seasons.
Those who are in your following sing to you with joy, and they bow down their foreheads to the earth when they meet you, the lord of heaven, the lord of the earth, the king of truth, the lord of eternity, the prince of everlastingness, you sovereign of all the gods, you god of life, you creator of eternity, you maker of heaven wherin you are firmly stablished.
The company of the gods rejoice at your rising, the earth is glad when it beholds your rays; the people who have been long dead come forth with cries of joy to behold your beauties every day.
You go forth each day over heaven and earth, and you are made strong each day be your mother Nut.
You pass over the heights of heaven, your heart swells with joy; and the lake of Testes (the great Oasis) is content at it.
The serpent-fiend has fallen, his arms are hewn off, the knife has severed his joints.
Ra lives by Maat (Law), the beautiful! The Sektet boat advances and comes into port.
The south and the north, and the west and east, turn to praise you.
You first, great God (PAUTA), who came into being of yours own accord, Isis and Nephthys salute you, they sing to you songs of joy at your rising in the boat, they stretch out their hands to you.
The souls of the east follow you, and the souls of the west praise you.
You are the ruler of all the gods.
You in your shrine have joy, for the serpent-fiend Nak has been judged by the fire, and your heart shall rejoice forever.
Your mother Nut is esteemed by your father Nu.
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