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Thursday, July 27, 2017
Demotic Magical Papyri Texts PGM COL VI-X
See Also
An inquiry of the lamp.
You go to a clean dark cell without light and you dig a new hole in an east wall
(2) and you take a white lamp in which no minium or gum water has been put, its wick being clean, and you fill it with clean genuine Oasis oil,
(3) and you recite the spells of praising Ra at dawn in his rising and you bring the lamp when lighted opposite the sun and recite to it the spells as below four times, (4) and you take it into the cell, you being pure, and the boy also, and you pronounce the spells to the boy, he not looking at the lamp, his eyes being
(5) closed, seven times. You put pure frankincense on the brazier. You put your finger on the boy's head, his eyes being closed.
(6) When you have finished you make him open his eyes towards the lamp; then he sees the shadow of the god about the lamp, and he inquires for you
(7) concerning that which you desire. You must do it at midday in a place without light, if it be that you are inquiring for a spirit damned, a wick of sail-cloth (?)
(8) is what you put in the lamp and you fill it with clean butter. If it is some other business, a clean wick with pure genuine oil
(9) is that which you put in the lamp; if you will do it to bring a woman to a man, ointment of roses is that which you put in the lamp. You must lay the lamp
(10) on a new brick and the boy also must sit on another brick with his eyes closed. You cry down into his head four times.
(11) The spells which you recite (to the lamp) to the wick previously before you recite to the boy: formula: 'Art thou the unique great wick of the linen of Thoth ?
(12) Art thou the byssus robe of Osiris, the divine Drowned, woven by the hand of Isis, spun. by the hand of Nephthys?
(13) Art thou the original band that was made for Osiris Khentamente? Art thou the great bandage with which Anubis put forth his hand to the body of Osiris the mighty god?
(14) I have brought thee to-day - ho! thou wick - to cause the boy to look into thee, that thou mayest make reply to every matter concerning which I ask here to-day.
(15) Is it that you will (?) not do it? O wick, I have put thee in the hand of the black cow, I have lighted thee in the hand
(16) of the female cow. Blood of the Drowned one is that which I put to thee for oil; the hand of Anubis is that which is laid on thee. The spells
(17) of the great Sorcerer are those which I recite to thee. Do thou bring me the god in whose hand is the command to-day and let him give me answer as to everything about which
(18) I inquire here to-day truly without falsehood. Ho! Nut, mother of water, ho! Apet, mother of fire,
(19) come unto me, Nut, mother of water, come Apet, mother of fire, come unto me Yaho.' You say it drawling(?) with your voice exceedingly.
(20)You say again: ' Esex, Poe, Ef-khe-ton,' otherwise said, ' Khet-on,' seven times. If it is a direct (?) inquiry, these alone are the things that you recite
(21) to the lamp, and you lie down without speaking. But if obduracy take place, you rise, you recite
(22) his summons, which is his compulsion. Formula; 'I am the Ram's face, Youth is my name: I was born under the venerable persea
(23) in Abydos, I am the soul of the great chief who is in Abydos; I am the guardian of the great corpse that is in U-pek;
(24) I am he whose eyes are as the eyes of Akhom when he watcheth Osiris by night; I am Teptuf upon the desert of Abydos;(25) I am he that watcheth the great corpse which is in Busiris; I am he who watcheth for Light-scarab-noble (?).' (In margin) The spells that you write on the lamp, Bakhukhsikhukh (and figures)
(26) ' whose name is hidden in my heart; Bibiou (Soul of souls) is his name.' Formula, seven times. If it is a direct (?) inquiry,
(27) these things alone are what you recite. If it is an inquiry by the boy that you are about, you recite these aforesaid to the lamp
(28) before calling down into the head of the boy, you turn round (?), you recite this other invocation to the lamp also. Formula.: 'O Osiris, O lamp
(29) that giveth vision of the things (of days) above, that giveth vision of the things below and vice versa, O lamp (bis), Amen is moored in thee; O lamp (bis) I
(30) invoke thee, thou goest up to the shore of the great sea, the sea of Syria, the sea of Osiris. Do I speak
(31) to thee ? Dost thou come that I may send thee ? Ho, lamp, witness (?) to thyself, since thou hast found Osiris upon his boat of papyrus and tehen,
(32) Isis being at his head, Nephthys at his feet, and the male and female gods about him. Speak, Isis, let it be told
(33) to Osiris concerning the things which I ask about, to cause the god to come in whose hand is the command, and give me answer to everything about which I shall inquire
(34) here to-day. When Isis said "Let a god be summoned to me that I may send him, he being discreet (?) as to the business on which he will go and he accomplish it,"
(35) they went and they brought to her; thou art the lamp that was brought to her. The fury of Sekhmet thy mother and of Heke thy father is
(36) cast at thee, thou shalt not be lighted for Osiris and Isis, thou shalt not be lighted for Anubis until thou hast given me an answer to everything which I ask
(37) about here to-day truly without telling me falsehood. If thou wilt not do it, I will not give thee oil.
(1) 'I will not give thee oil, I will not give thee fat. O lamp; verily I will give thee the body of the female cow and put blood (2) of the male bull into (?) thee and put thy band to the testicles (?) of the enemy of Horus. Open to me, O ye of the underworld, the box of myrrh that is in my hand;
(3) receive me before you, O ye souls of Aker belonging to Bi-wekem, the box of frankincense that hath four corners. O dog, which is
(4) called Anubis by name, who resteth on the box of myrrh, whose feet are set on the box of frankincense, let there come to me
(5) the ointment for the son of the lamp that he (?) may give me answer as to everything about which I ask here to-day, truly without falsehood therein.
(6) Io, Tabao, Soukhamamon, Akhakhanbou, Sanauani, Ethie, Komto,
(7) Kethos, Basaethori, Thmila, Akhkhou, give me answer as to everything about which I ask here to-day.' Seven times.
(8) The spells of the boy: Boel, Boel (bis), Ii (bis), Aa (bis), Tattat (bis), he that giveth light exceedingly, the companion of the flame,
(9) he in whose mouth is the fire that is not quenched, the great god that sitteth in the fire, he that is in the midst of the fire, he that is in the lake of heaven,
(10) in whose hand is the greatness and might of God, reveal thyself to this boy who hath my vessel to-day, and let him give me answer truly
(11) without falsehood. I will glorify thee in Abydos, I will glorify thee in heaven before Phre. I will glorify thee
(12) before the moon, I will glorify thee on earth, I will glorify thee before him who is upon the throne, who is not destroyed, he of the great glory,
(13) Peteri, Peteri, Pater, Enphe, Enphe, the god who is above heaven, in whose hand is the beautiful staff,
(14) who created deity, deity not having created him, come into the midst of this fire that is here before thee, he of Boel, Aniel
(15) realise me to see the business about which I am inquiring here to-day, let it be seen, let it be heard
(16) and do thou give strength to the eyes of the boy who has my vessel, to cause him to see it, and to his tears to cause him to hear it, O great god Siainont,
(17) before me and cause my eyes to be opened to everything forwhich I pray here to-day,
(18) Akhremto, come in into the midst of this flame, O great god that is upon the hill of (Atugi) Gabaon, Khabaho, Takrtat.' You recite this
(19) until the light appear. When the light appears, you turn round (?), you recite this spell-copy a second time again. Behold the spell-copy also (?) of the summons
(20) that you recite: 'Ho! speak to me (bis) Thes, Tenor, the father of eternity without end, the god who is over the whole earth, Salkmo,
(21) Balkmo, Brak, Nephro, Bampre, Brias, Sarinter, Melikhriphs,
(22) Largnanes, Herephes, Mephrobrias, Pherka, Phexe, Diouphia,
(23) Marmareke, Laore-Krephie, may I see the answer to the inquiry on account of which I am here, may answer be made to me
(24) to everything about which I ask here to-day, truly without falsehood. Ho! Adael, Aphthe, Khokhomole,
(25) Hesenmigadon. Orthobaubo, Noere, Sere, Sere, San-kathara,
(26) Ereskhigal, Saggiste, Dodekakiste, Akrourobore, Kodere.'
(27) You make him open his eyes and look at the lamp, and ask him as to that which you wish. If obstinacy appear, he not having seen the god, you turn round(?),
(28) you pronounce his compulsion. Formula: 'Semea-kanteu, Kenteu, Konteu, Kerideu, Darenko, Lekaux,
(29) come to me, Kanab, Ari-katei, Bari-katci, disk, moon of the gods, disk, hear my voice, let answer be given me
(30) as to everything about which I ask here to-day. O perfume of Zalabaho, Nasira, Hake, arise (?) O Lion-ram,
(31) let me see the light to-day, and the gods; and let them give me answer as to everything about which I ask here to-day truly. Na, Na, Na, Na, is thy name,
(32) Na, Na, is thy true name.' You utter a whisper (?) with your voice loudly; you recite saying, ' Come to me Iaho, Iaeu,
(33) Iaho, Auho, Iaho, Hai, Ko, Hoou, Ko, Nashbot, Arpi-Hap(?), Abla, Balbok,
(34) Honbek (Hawk-face), Ni, Abit, Thatlat, Maribal.'
If [the god(?)] delay so as not to come in,
you cry:
(2) 'Maribal, Kmla, Kikh, Father of the fathers of the gods, go round (?), one Eye weeps, the other laughs, Ioh (bis, bis), Ha, Ha, He,
(3) St, St, St, St, Ihe, laho, seek (?); let there come to me the god in whose hand is the command to-day, and let him give me reply to everything
(4) about which I ask here to-day.' You say, 'Pef-nuti(?)' with your mouth each time, and you cry, 'I cast fury at thee of him who cutteth thee, of him who devoureth thee.
(5) Let the darkness separate from the light before me. Ho! god, Hu-bos, Ri.khetem, Si (bis), Aho (?), Ah, Mai (?) ("I do not"?),
(6) Kha, Ait, Ri-shfe, Bibiu, Iaho, Ariaha (bis), Arainas ("do for her"), Euesetho ("they will turn the face"), Bekes, Gs, Gs, Gs, Gs,
(7) Ianian, Eren, Eibs, Ks, Ks, Ks, Ks, let the god come to me in whose hand is the command and give me answer as to everything about which I
(8) inquire here to-day. Come in. Piatoou, Khitore; ho! Shop, Shope, Shop, Abraham, the apple (?) of the Eye of the uzat,
(9) Kmr, Kmr, Kmr, Kmr, Kmro, so as to create, Kom, Kom-wer-wot, Sheknush (?) is thy real name, let answer be told to me
(10) as to everything about which I ask here to-day. Come to me Bakaxikhekh, tell me answer to everything which I ask about here to-day truly
(11) without telling me falsehood.' Formula. Seven times.
(12) 'A direct (?) inquiry by (?) the voice of Pasash(?) the priest of Kes; he (the informant) tells it, saying it is tested, nine times :
(13) 'I am Ramshau, Shau, Ramshau son of Tapshau, of his mother Tapshau, if it be that
(14) any given thing shall happen, do not come to me with thy face of Pekhe; thou shalt come to me in thy form of a priest,
(15) in thy figure of a servant of the temple. (But) if it shall not come to pass, thou (shalt) come to me in thy form of a Kalashire,
(16) for I am Ramshau, Shau, Ramshau, the son of Tapshau, of his mother Tapshau.' [Say it] opposite
(17) the Shoulder constellation on the third day of the month, there being a clove of three-lobed white garlic and there being three needles (18) of iron piercing it, and recite this to it seven times; and put it at thy head Then he attends to you and speaks with you.
(1) The vessel-inquiry of Chons. '[Homage ?] to thee, Chons-in-Thebes-Nefer-hotep, the noble child that came forth from the lotus, Horus, lord of time (?), one he is . . .
(2) Ho! silver, lord of silver, Shentei, lord of Shentei, lord of the disk. the great god, the vigorous bull, the Son of the Ethiopian, come to me, noble child, the great god that is in
(3) the disk, who pleaseth men (?), Pomo, who is called the mighty bull (bis), the great god that is in the uzat, that came forth from the four [boundaries?]
(4) of eternity, the punisher of the flesh (?), whose name is not known, nor his nature, nor his likeness (?). I know thy name, I know thy nature, I [know]
(5) thy likeness. Great is thy name, Heir is thyxcellent is thy name. Hidden is thy name. Mighty one of the gods is thy name, "He whose name is hidden from all the gods" is thy name, Om,
(6) Mighty Am is thy name, "All the gods" is thy name, Lotus-lion-ram, is thy name, "Loou comes, lord of the lands " (bis) is thy name, Amakhr of heaven is thy name, ''Lotus-flower of stars (?)
(7) cometh," Ei-io Ne-ei-o is thy name. Thy form is a scarab with the face of a ram; its tail a hawk's, it wearing (?) two panther-skins(?). Thy [serpent is a serpent ?]
(8) of eternity, thine orbit (?) a lunar month, thy tree a vine-tree and persea(?), thy herb the herb of Amen, thy fowl of heaven a heron, thy fish of [the deep(?)]
(9) a black lebes. They are established on earth. Yb is thy name in thy body in (?) the sea, thy figure of stone in which thou camest forth is a . . .;
(10) heaven is thy shrine, the Earth thy fore-court; it was my will (?) to seize thee here to-day, for I am one shining, enduring: my . . .
(11) faileth (?) if I have not done it through (?) the delay, I not having discovered thy name, O great god whose name is great, the lord of the threshing-floor (?) of heaven. (But) I have done it, [enduring ?] hunger
(12) for bread, and thirst for water; and do thou rescue(?) me and make me prosper and give me praise, love, and reverence before every man. For I am(?) the [mighty] bull,
(13) the great god that is in the uzat, that came forth from the four regions (?) of space (?). I am Hune (youth), the great name that is in heaven, whom they call . . .
(14) Amphoou (bis), "True" (bis), "He is praised to(?) Abydos." "Ra," "Horus the boy" is my name, "Chief of the gods" is my correct name, preserve me, make me to prosper, make my vessel to become [successful?].
(15) Open to me Arkhah before every god and every man that hath come forth from the stone of Ptah. For I am the serpent that came forth from Nun, I am a
(16) proud (?) Ethiopian, a rearing serpent of real gold, there being honey in my (?) lips; that which I shall say cometh. to pass at once. Ho! . . .
(17) mighty one, for I am Anubis, the baby creature (?); I am Isis and I will bind him, I am Osiris and I will bind him, I am Anubis [and I will bind] him. Thou wilt save me from every . . . (18) and every place of confusion(?). Lasmatnout, Lesmatot, protect me, heal me, give me love, praise and reverence in my vessel
(19), my bandage (?) here to-day. Come to me, Isis, mistress of magic, the great sorceress of all the gods. Horus is before me, Isis behind me, Nephthys as my diadem,
(20) a snake of the son(s) of Atum is that which . . . a uraeus-diadem at my head; for he that shall strike (?) me (?) shall strike (?) King Mont here to-day . . .
(21) Mihos, mighty one shall send out a lion of the sons of Mihos under compulsion to fetch them to me (bis) the souls of god, the souls
(22) of man, the souls of the Underworld, the souls of the horizon, the spirits, the dead, so that they tell me the truth to-day concerning that after which I am inquiring: for I am
(23) Horus son of Isis who goeth on board at Arkhah to put wrappings on the amulets, to put linen on the Drowned one, (24) the fair Drowned one of the drowned (?). They shall rise, they shall flourish at the mouths of my vessel, my bandage (?), my word-seeking (?).
(25) Arouse them for me (bis), the spirits, the dead; rouse their souls and forms at (?) the mouths of my vessel; rouse them for me
(26) with the dead; rouse [them} for me (bis); rouse their souls and their forms. The fury of Pessiwont ("Her (whose) son is Wont"), the daughter of Ar . . .
(27) rouse them for me (bis) the Unti from their places of punishment, let them talk with their mouths, let them speak with their lips, let them say that which I have said, [about that which]
(28) I am asking them here to-day; let them speak before (?) me, let truth happen to me; do not substitute a face for a face, a name for a true (bis) name [without]
(29) falsehood in it. [Ho?] scarab of true lapislazuli that sitteth at the pool of Pharaoh Osiris Unnefer?
(30) fill thy mouth with the water of [the pool ?], pour it on my head together with him who is at my hand; make me prosper, make him prosper, and. conversely, until my words [happen ?], let
(31) that which I say come to pass; for if that which I have said do not come to pass, I will cause fire to go round about this Seoue until that which I have said do come to pass; for [they came]
(32) to the earth, they listened to me , , . they said to me, "Who art thou?" (bis), I am Atum in. the sun-boat of Phre; I am Ariotatu, the Shto of. . .
(33) I looked out before. . . to observe Osiris the Ethiopian, he came into my head, there being two sons of Anubis in front of him, [two] sons of Ophois behind him,
(34) two sons of Rere mooring him. They said to me "Who art thou?" (bis), I am one of those two hawks that watch over Isis and Osiris, the diadem, the . . .
(35) with its glory (?) . . ., bring them to me (bis), the souls of god, the souls of man, the souls of the Underworld, the souls of the horizon,
(1) the spirits, the dead; let them tell me the truth to-day in that about which I shall ask: for I am Artemi . .. se(?)-mau, rising in the East.
(2) Come in to me, Anubis with thy fair face, I have come to pray to thee. Woe(?) (bis). fire (bis), [South, North,] West, East,
(3) every breeze of Amenti, let them come into being, proved (bis), established, correct, enchanted, like the fury [of the great one] of reverence; for I am
(4) Iae, lao, laea, lao, Sabaoth, Atone ; for I cast fury at thee, Thial, Klatai,
(5) Arkhe, Ioa, Phalekmi, Iao, Makhahai, Iee, Kho..n, Khokhrekhc, Aaioth,
(6) Sarbiakou, Ikra, Phibiek, Momou, Mounaikh, Sritho, Sothon, Naon, Kharmai,
(7) the fury of all these gods, whose names I have uttered here to-day, rouse them for me (bis), the drowned (?), the dead; let your (plur.) soul and your (plur.) form live for me
(8) at the mouths of my lamp, my bandage (?), my word-seeking (?). Let him make me answer to every word [about] which I am asking here to-day in truth (bis) without
(9) falsehood therein. Hasten(bis), quickly (bis).' Its spirit-gathering: You go to a dark chamber with its [face] open to the South or East
(10) in a clean place: you sprinkle it with clean sand brought from the great river; you take a clean bronze cup or
(11) a new vessel of pottery and put a lok-measure of water that has settled (?) or of pure water into the [cup] and a lok-measure of real oil
(12) pure, or oil alone without putting water into it, and put a stone of qs-ankh in the vessel containing oil, and put a 'heart- (13) of-the-good-house' (plant ?) in the bottom of the vessel, and put three bricks round about the vessel, of new bricks,
(14) and place seven clean loaves on the bricks that are round the vessel and bring a pure child that has been tested
(15) in his ears before, that is, is profitable in proceeding with the vessel. You make him sit on a new [brick] and you also sit
(16) on another brick, you being at (?) his face, otherwise said, his back, and you put your hand before [his] eyes, [his eyes being] closed and call down
(17) into the middle of his head seven times. When you have finished, you take your hand from before his eyes, you [make him bend over] the vessel; you put your hand.
(18) to his ears, you take hold of them with your hand also, you ask the child saying, 'Do you [? see...]?' If he says, 'I see a
(19) darkness,' you say to him ' Speak, saying, "I see thy beautiful face, and do thou [hear my salutation ?], O great god Anubis!" '
(20) If you wish to do it by vessel alone, you fill your eyes with this ointment, you sit (?) [over the vessel ?] as aforesaid, your eyes being
(21) closed; you utter the above invocation seven times, you open your eyes, you ask him concerning everything [that you wish (?)]. . . you do it from the
(22) fourth day of the lunar month until the fifteenth day, which is the half-month when the moon fills the uzat. [A] vessel-[inquiry] alone in order to see
(23) the bark of Phre. Formula, : ' Open to me heaven, O mother of die gods! Let [me see the ba]rk of Phre descending and ascending
(24) in it; for I am Geb, heir of the gods; prayer is what I make before Phre my father [on account of] the things which have proceeded from me.
(25) O Heknet, great one, lady of the shrine, the Rishtret (?), Open to me, mistress of the spirits, [open] to me, primal heaven, let
(26) me worship the Angels! [for] I am Geb, heir of the gods. Hail! ye seven Kinga, hoi! ye [seven Monts}, bull that engendereth, lord of strength
(27) that lighteth the earth, soul of the abyss; ho! lion as lion of(?) the abyss, bull of the night, hail! thou that rulest the people of the East,
(28) Noun, great one, lofty one, hail! soul of a ram, soul of the people of the West, hail! [soul of souls, bull] of the night, bull (?) of bulls,
(29) son of Nut, open to me, I am the Opener of earth, that came forth from Geb, hail! [I am I, I.] I, E, E, E, [He, He, He,]
(30) Ho, Ho, Ho; I am Anepo, Miri-po-re, Maat(?) lb, Thi[bio. Ar]oui, Ouoou, [Iaho.']
(31) Formula: blood of a smun-goose. blood of a hoopoe, blood of a n[ightjar], ankh-amu plant, [senepe plant],
(32) ' Great-of-Amen' plant, qes-ankh stone, genuine lapis-lazuli, myrrh, 'footprint-of-lsis' plant, pound, make into a ball, [you paint] your [eyes] with it; put(?) a goat's-[tear]
(33) in (?) a' pleasure-wood ' of ani or ebony wood, [you bind it (?)] around (?) you [with a]
(34) strip of male-palm fibre in [an] elevated place opposite the sun after putting [the ointment as above on] your eyes . ..
(35) according to what is prescribed for it.
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