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Thursday, July 27, 2017
Demotic Magical Papyri Texts PGM XVI-XX
See Also
(1, 2)The words of the lamp: 'Both, Theou, Ie, Oue, O-oe, Ia, Oua -otherwise,Theou, Ie, Oe, Oon, Ia, Oua- Phthakh, Eloe - otherwise, Elon, excellent(bis) -
(3)Iath, Eon, Puriphae, Ieou, Ia, Io, Ia, Ioue, come down
(4) to the light of this lamp and appear to this boy and inquire for me about that which I ask
(5) hereto-day, Iao, Iaolo, Therentho, Psikhimeakelo,
(6) Blakhanspla, Iae, Ouebai, Barbaraithou, Ieou, Arponknouph,
(7) Brintatenophri, Hea, Karrhe, Balmenthre, Menebareiakhukh, Ia,
(8)Khukh, Brinskulma, Arouzarba, Mesekhriph, Niptoumikh,
(9) Maorkharam, Ho! Laankhukh, Omph, Bnmbainouioth,
(10) Segenbai, Khooukhe, Laikham, Armioouth, ''You say it,
(11) it (sic) being pure, in this manner: 'Ogodthatliveth, Olamp thatis lighted,Takrtat, he of eternity, bring in
(12) Boel! - three times - 'Arbeth-abi, Outhio, O great great god, bring Boel
(13) in, Tat (bis), bring Boel in!' Three times.' Takrtat, he of Eternity, bring
(14) Boel in! 'Three times.' Barouthi, O great god, bring Boel in!'' Three times.
(15)The invocation which you pronounce before Phre in the morning before reciting to the boy, in order that that which thou doest may succeed:
(16) 'O great god, Tabao,Basoukham,Amo, Akhakharkhan-kraboun-zanouni-
(17)edikomto, Kethou- basa -thouri-thmila-alo.'Seven times.
(18) Another method of it again.You rise in the morning from your bed early in the day on which you will do it, or any day,
(19) in order that every thing which you will do shall prosper in your hand, you being pure from every abomination. You pronounce this invocation before Phre three times or seven times.
(20) 'Io, Tabao, Sokhom-moa, Okh-okh-khan-bouzanau, An-
(21) iesi, Ekomphtho, Ketho, Sethouri, Thmila, Alouapokhri, let everything
(22) that I shall apply (?)my hand to here to-day, let it happen.' Its method. You take a new lamp in which no minium has been put and you (put)
(23)a clean wick in it, and you fill it with pure genuine oil and lay it in aplace cleansed with natron water and concealed,
(24)and you lay it on a new brick, and you take a boy and seat him upon anothernew brick, his face being
(25) turned to the lamp,and you close his eyes and recite these things that are (written) above downinto the boy's head seven times. You make him
(26)open his eyes. You say to him, ' Do you see the light ? ' When he says toyou 'I see the light in the flameof the lamp,' you cry at that moment saying
(27)'Heoue' nine times. You ask him concerningeverything that you wish afterreciting the invocationthat you made previouslybefore Phre in the morning.
(28) You do it in a place with (its) entranceopen to the East, and put the face of the lamp turned (blank).You put the face of the boy
(29) turned (blank) facing the lamp, you being on his left hand.You cry down into his head, you strike his head with your second finger, (that) of the . . . ., of your
(30) right hand.
(1) Another method of it again, very good, for the lamp.You (say?): 'Boel,' (thrice), I, I, I, A, A, A, Tat, Tat, Tat, the first attendant of the great god, he who gives light exceedingly,
(2) the companion of the flame, in whose mouth is the flame which is not quenched, the great god that dieth not, the great god he that sitteth in the flame, who is in the midst of the flame,
(3) who is in the lake of heaven, in whose hand is the greatness and might of the god, come within in the midst of this flame and reveal thyself to this boy here to-day; cause him to inquire for me concerning everything about which I shall
(4)ask him here to-day: for I will glorify thee in heaven before Phre, I will glorify thee before the Moon, I will glorify thee on Earth,
(5) I will glorify thee before him who is on the throne, who perisheth not, he of the great glory, in whose hand is the greatness and might of the god, he of the great glory, (6) Petery (bis). Pater, Emphe (bis),O great great god, who is above heaven, in whose hand is the beautiful staff,who created, deity, deity not having
(7) created him, come in to me with Boel, Aniel; do thou give strength to the eyes of this boy who has my vessel
(8) to-day, to (?) cause him to see thee, cause his ears to hear thee when thou speakest; and do thou inquire for him concerning everything and every word as to which I shall ask him here to-day,
(9) O great god Sisaouth, Akhrempto, come into the midst of this flame he who sitteth on the mountain
(10) of Gabaon, Takrtat, he of eternity, he who dieth not, who liveth forever, bring BoeI in, Boel (bis), (i i) Arbethbainouthi, great one, O great god (bis) (bring) fetch Boel in, Tat (bis)(bring) fetch Boel in.' You
(12)say these things seven times down into the head of the boy, you make him open his eyes, you ask him saying, ' Has the light appeared ?'
(13) If it be that the light has not come forth, you make the boy himself speak with his mouth to the lamp. Formula: ' Grow, O light,come forth
(14) O light, rise O light, lift thyself up O light, come forth O light of the god, reveal thyself to me, O servant of the god, in whose hand is the command of to-day;
(15)who will ask for me.' Then he reveals himself to the boy in the moment named. You recite these things down into the head of the boy, he looking (16) towards the lamp.Do not let him look towards another place except the lamp only; if he does not look towards it, then he is afraid.
(17) You do all these things, you cease from your inquiry, you return, you make him close his eyes, you speak down into his head this other
(18) invocation which is below, that is, if the gods go away and the boy ceases to see them: 'Arkhe-khem-phai, Zeon,
(19) Hele, Satrapermet, watch this boy, do not let him be frightened, terrified, or scared, and make
(20) him return to his original path. Open Tei (the Underworld), open Tai (Here).' I say it that this vessel-inquiry of the lamp is better
(21)than the beginning. This is the method again, its form: you take a new lamp in which no minium has been put and you put a wick of
(22)clean linen in it, you fill it with genuine clean oil; you place it on a new brick, you make the boy sit on another brick
(23)opposite the lamp; you make him shut his eyes, you recite down into bis head according to the other method also. Another invocation which
(24) you recite towards Phre in the morning three timesor seven times. Formula : 'Iotabao, Sokh-ommoa, Okh-
(25)-okh-Khan,Bouzanau, Aniesi, Ekomphtho, Ketho, Sethori,
(26) Thmilaalouapokhri may everything succeed that I shall do to-day,' and they will(?) succeed. If it be that you do not apply (?) purity to it, it does not succeed; its chief matter is purity. Another
(27) invocation like the one above again. Formula: 'Boel,' (thrice), 'I, I, I, A, I, I, I, A, Tat (thrice), he who giveth the light exceedingly, the companion of the flame, he of the flame which does not
(28) perish, the god who liveth, who dieth not, he who sitteth in the flame, who is in the midst of the flame who is in the lake of heaven, in whose hand is the greatness and might
(29) of the god, reveal thyself to this boy, Heou (bis), Heo, that he may inquire for me, and do thou make him see and let him look and let him listen to everything which I
(30) ask him, for I will glorify thee in heaven, I will glorify thee on earth, I will glorify thee before him who is on the throne, who does not perish,
(31) he of greatness. Peteri (bis), Emphe (bis), O great god who is above heaven, in whose hand is the beautiful staff, who created deity,
(32) deity not having created him, come into the midst of this flame with Boel, Aniel, and give strength to the eyes of Heu (bis).
(1) Of Heu (bis), the son of Heo (bis) for he shall see thee with his eyes, and thou shalt make his ears to hear,
(2) and shalt speak with him of everything; he shall ask thee about it, and thou shalt tell me answer truly; for thou art the great god
(3) Sabaoth; come down with Boel, Tat (bis) ; bring Boel in, come into the midst of this flame
(4) and inquire for me concerning that which is good; Takrtat, he of eternity, bring Boel in,' three times,'Arbeth,
(5)Bainouthio, Ogreat god, bring Boel in,' three times. You say these things down into the head of the boy,
(6) you make him open his eyes, you ask him as to everything according to the method which is outside, again.
(7) [Another ?] vessel-inquiry which a physician in the Oxyrhynchus nome gave me; youlso make it with a vessel-inquiry alone by yourself:
(8) 'Sabanern, Nn, Biribat, Ho! (bis) O god Sisiaho who (art) on the mountain of Kabaho,
(9) in whose hand is the creation of the Shoy, favour (?) this boy, may he enchant the light, for I am
(10)Fair-face' - another roll says, 'I am the face of Nun - in the morning, Halahoat midday, I am
(11)Glad-of-face in the evening, I am Phre, the glorious boy whom they call Gartaby name; I am he that came forth
(12) on the arm of Triphis in the East; I am great, Great is my name, Great is my real name, I am Ou, Ou
(13) is my name, Aou is my real name; I am Lot Mulot, I have prevailed (?) (bis), he whose
(14) strength is in the flame, he of that golden wreath which is on his head, They-yt (bis),To (bis),
(15) Hatra (bis), the Dog-face (bis). Hail! Anubis, Pharaoh of the underworld, let the darkness depart,
(16) bring the light in unto me to my vessel-inquiry, for I am Horus, son of Osiris, born of Isis,
(17) the noble boy whom Isis loves, who inquires for his father Osiris Onnophris. Hail! Anubis,
(18) Pharaoh of the underworld, let the darkness depart, bring the light in unto me to my vessel- inquiry,
(19) my knot(?) here to-day; may I flourish, may he flourish whose face is bent down to this vessel here to-day
(20) until the gods come in, and may they tell me answer truly to my question about which I am inquiring (21) here to-day, truly without falsehood forth with (?). Hail! Anubis,
(22) O creature (?), Child, go forth at once, bring to me the gods of this city and
(23) the god who gives answer (?) to-day, and let him tell me my question about which I am asking to-day. Nine times.
(24) You open your eyes or (those of) the boy and you see the light. You invoke the light, saying, 'Hail,
(25) O light, come forth (bis) O light, rise (bis) O light, increase (bis) O light, O that which is without, come in.' You say it nine times,
(26) until the light increases and Anubis comes in. When Anubis comes in and takes his stand,
(27) then you say to Anubis, 'Arise, go forth, bring in to me the gods of this city (or ?) village,' (28) then he goes out at the moment named and brings the gods in. When you know
(29) that the gods have come in, you say to Anubis, ' Bring in a table for the gods
(30) and let them sit down.'When they are seated, you say to Anubis, ' Bring a wine-jar in and some cakes; let them eat, let them drink.'
(31) While he is making them eat and making them drink, you say to Anubis, ' Will they inquire for me to-day ? ' If he says 'Yes' again, you say to him,
(32) 'The god who will ask for me, let him put forth his hand to me and let him tell me his name.' When he tells you his name, you ask him as to that which you desire. When you have ceased asking him as to that which you desire, you send them away.
(1)[Spell] spoken to the bite of the dog.
(2)'I have come forth from Arkhah, my mouth being full of blood of a black dog.
(3) I spit it out, the . . . of a dog. O this dog,who is among the ten dogs
(4) which belong to Anubis, the son of his body, extract thy venom, remove thy saliva (?) from me (?) again,
(5) If thou dost not extract thy venom and remove thy saliva (?), I will take thee
(6) up to the court of the temple of Osiris, my watch-tower (?). I will do for thee the parapage(?) of birds (?)
(7) like the voice of Isis, the sorceress (?), the mistress of sorcery (?), who bewitches (?) everything and is not bewitched (?)
(8) in her name of Isis the sorceress (?).' And you pound garlic with kmou (?)
(9) and you put it on the wound of the bite of the dog; and you address it daily until it is well.
(10) [Spell] spoken for extracting the venom from, the heart of a man who has been made to drink a potion or (?)
(11)...' Hail to him! (bis) Yablou, the golden cup of Osiris.
(12) Isis (and) Osiris (and) the great Agathodaemon have drunk from thee; the three gods have drunk, I have drunk
(13) after them myself; for, dost thou make me drunk? dost thou make me suffer shipwreck? dost thou make me perish ?
(14) dost thou cause me confusion? dost thou cause me to be vexed of heart? dost thou cause my mouth
(15) to speak blasphemy? May I be healed of all poison pus (and) venom which have been . . . . ed to my heart;
(16) when I drink thee, may I cause them to be cast up in the name of Sarbitha, the daughter
(17) of the Agathodaemon; for I am Sabra, Briatha, Brisara, Her
(18) is my name. I am Horus Sharon (?) when he comes from receiving acclamation (?), Yaho,
(19) the child is my name as my real name.' (Pronounced) to a cup of wine
(20) and you put (sic) fresh rue and put it to it; and you make invocation to it seven times, and make
(21) the man drink it in the morning before he has eaten. [Spell] spoken to the man, when a bone has stuck
(22) in his throat. 'Thou art Shlate, Late, Balate,
(23) the white crocodile, which is under (?) the . . . of the sea of fire, whose belly
(24) is full of bones of every drowned man. Ho! thou wilt spit forth this bone for me to-day, which acts(?) [as]
(25) a bone, which ......which . .. .. as (?) a bandage, which does everything without
(26) a thing deficient; for I am(?) a lion's fore-part, I am a ram's head (?), I am a leopard's tooth;
(27) Gryphon is my real name, for Osirisis he who is in my hand, the man named
(28) is he who gives (?) my. . . . .' Seven times. You make invocation to a little oil. You
(29) put the face of the man upwards and put it (the oil) down into his mouth, and place your finger and
(30) your nail [to the ?] two muscles (?) of his throat; you make him swallow the oil and make him
(31) start up suddenly, and you eject the oil which is in his throat immediately;
(32) then the bone comes up with the oil. Spell spoken to the bite of the dog.
(33) The exorcism (?) of Amen (and ?) Thriphis; say: ' I am this Hakoris (?) strong, Shlamala, Malet, secret (?)
(34) mighty Shetei, Greshei, Greshei, neb Rent Tahne Bahne (?) this [dog ?]
(35) this black [one], the dog which hath bewitched (?), this dog, he of these four hitch-pups (?), the jackal (?) being (?) a son of Ophois.
(36) O son of Anubis, hold on (?) by thy tooth, let fall thy humours (?); thou art as the face
(37) of Set against Osiris, thou art as the face of Apop against the Sun; Horus the son of Osiris, born of Isis(is he ?) at whom thou didst fill thy mouth (i.e. bite), (38) N. son of N. (is he) (?) at whom thou hast filled thy mouth; hearken. to this speech. Horus who didst heal burning pain (?), who didst go to the abyss,
(39) who didst found the Earth, listen, O Yaho, Sabaho, Abiaho by name.' You cleanse (?) the wound, you pound
(40) salt with . . .; apply it to him. Another: you pound rue with honey, apply it; you say it also to a cup of water and make him drink it (?).
(1) [Spell] spoken to the sting :
(2) 'I am the Kings son, eldest and first, Anubis.My mother Sekhmet-lsis (?), she came (?) after me
(3) forth to the land of Syria, to the hill of the land of Heh, to the nome of those cannibals, saying,
(4) "Haste (bis), quick (bis) my child, King's son, eldest and first, Anubis," saying, "Arise and come
(5) to Egypt, for thy father Osiris is King of Egypt, he is ruler over
(6) the whole land; all the gods of Egypt are assembled to receive the crown from his hand."
(7) The moment of saying those things she brought me a blow (?), fell my tail (?) upon me.
(8) It (?) gathered together (?), it (?) coming to me with a sting (?): I sat down and
(9) wept. lsis, my mother, sat before me, saying to me, "Do not
(10) weep (bis), my child, King's son, eldest and first, Anubis; lick with thy tongue on thy heart, repeatedly (?)
(11) far as the edges of the wound (?); lick the edges of the wound (?) as far as the edges of thy
(12) tail (?). What thou wilt lick up, thou swallowest it; do not spit it out on the ground; for thy
(13) tongue is the tongue of the Agathodaemon, thy tongue (?) is that of Atum." '
(14) And you lick it with your tongue, while it is bleeding, immediately; thereafter, you recite to a little
(15) oil and you recite to it seven times, you put it on the sting daily; you
(16) soak a strip of linen, you put it on it.
(17) [The spell] which you say to the oil to put it on the sting daily:
(18) 'lsis sat reciting to the oil Abartat and lamenting (?) to the true oil,
(19) saying, "Thou being praised, I will praise thee, O oil, I will praise
(20) thee, thou being praised by the Agathodaemon; thou being applauded (?) by me myself, I will praise thee
(21) for ever, O herb oil - otherwise true oil - O sweat of the Agathodaemon, amulet (?) of Geb. It is lsis who
(22) makes invocation to the oil. O true oil, O drop of rain, O water-drawing of the planet Jupiter
(23) which cometh down from the sun-boat at dawn, thou wilt make the healing effect (?) of the dew of dawn which heaven hath cast
(24) on to the earth upon every tree, thou wilt heal the limb which is paralysed (?), thou wilt make a remedy
(25) for him that liveth; for I will employ thee for the sting of the King's son, eldest and first, Anubis, my child,
(26) that tbou mayest fill it; wilt thou not make it well? For I will employ thee for (the ?) sting of N. the son of N.,
(27) that thou mayest fill it; wilt thou not make it well?" ' Seven times.Spell spoken to fetch a bone out of a throat.
(28) 'I am he whose head reaches the sky and his feet reach the abyss, who hath raised up (?) this crocodile . . . in Pizeme (?)
(29) of Thebes; for I am Sa, Sime, Tamaho, is my correct name, Anouk (bis), saying, hawk's-egg
(30) is that which is in my mouth, ibis-egg Is that which is in my belly; saying, hope of god, bone of man, bone of bird, bone of fish,
(31) bone of animal, bone of everything, there being nothing besides; paying, that which is in thy belly let it come to thy heart; that which is in thy heart, (32) let it come to thy mouth; that which is in thy mouth, let it come to my hand here to-day; for I am he who is in the seven heavens, who standeth
(33) in the seven sanctuaries, for I am the son of the god who liveth.' (Say it) to a cup of water seven times: thou causest the woman (sic) to drink it.
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