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Thursday, August 10, 2017

Nine Layers of Hell Curse

This ritual is made to curse and torture a person by the agonies brought on by nine arch-demons. This ritual will allow one to journey into Hell and throw a mortal soul before nine arch-demons and destroy the victim nine times in Hell. This ritual is most likely fatal to the mortal body of the victim. This ritual can invite demons into your home if it is used too much. This spell has one catch, it kills the weakest people in the house of your target first, so repeated use is necessary. This ritual circumvents the judgment of God upon a targeted soul should the victim die as a result.

  • 1 round wooden altar
  • 9 red candles
  • 1 large white candle
  • 1 athame
  • 1 cursed object (Ouija Board used to channel Zozo works fine)


(1) Place the red candles in a circle with the white candle in the center on the altar. Place the athame to the right and a cursed object to the left on the altar. Visualize the Gates of Hell opening and the evil energies surrounding your ritual site. 

(2) Hold the white candle and visualize that you are holding the person you are going to curse in your hand. Take a few minutes to visualize the person being the white candle and once you feel it, you place the candle back in the center of the circle of red candles and light it. 

(3) You can move around the altar as you progress through the ritual. Pick up and hold one of the red candles and visualize that it is a demonic being of fire and smoke and will smite the victim over and over in the most terrible ways as described in each line, while descending into Hell. When you are done, light the candle and go to the next. 

(4) Visualize that the victim’s soul is no more and that it has been erased by Satan’s appetite. Now you visualize yourself leaving Hell. When you are done, take the athame; blow out the white candle and stab it through. 

(5) After you read this line, you blow out the demon candles. 


 (1) I call upon the cursed power of Hell, the Fiery Hell that burns souls. 

(2) Open wide the Gates of the Fiery Abyss and damn that which is represented by this white candle. 

(3) I call to Lilith to bring obscenities to my foe! I enter into the First layer of Hell with this soul. 
(3) I call to Adramelech to break the faith from my foe! I enter into the Second layer of Hell with this soul. 
(3) I call to Bael to kill my foe! I enter into the Third layer of Hell with this soul. 
(3) I call to Belphegor to bring great debt to my foe! I enter into the Forth layer of Hell with this soul. (3) I call to Asmodeus to burn my foe in raging fires! I enter into the Fifth layer of Hell with this soul.
(3) I call to Astaroth to bring a painful death to my foe! I enter into the Sixth layer of Hell with this soul. 
(3) I call to Lucifuge to hide my name from my foe! I enter into the Seventh layer of Hell with this soul. 
(3) I call to Beelzebub to block all good things from my foe! I enter into the Eighth layer of Hell with this soul. 
(3) I call to Satan to eternally damn my foe! I enter into the Ninth layer of Hell with this soul. 

(4) We are at the bottom of Hell and I am done with you for you are worthless in my eyes so you shall not exist. I curse this pain for you have messed with a demon and got cursed. I am done with my journey to the depths of Hell and I shall be gone from this miserable pit, but I leave my memories of you to burn forever! 

(5) It shall be so!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Good luck spell for job

This good luck spell for job would help you get through any kind of interview, so if this is your first job interview or even if this is going to be your Internal Job Posting (IJP) interview, make sure to cast the spell right before the day you are going to be called for the interview or sit for the interview questionnaires, or interview exams.

You would need to first place the dress which you would be wearing for your interview on the next day, place it on a red chart paper and cover it with red rose petals, you would also need a bottle of rose water and some blueberry incense sticks. After placing your dress on the red chart paper, light up the blueberry incense sticks and keep it on the middle of the dress, make sure your dress is already covered with red rose petals, then sprinkle rose water on your dress so that each part of your dress gets the fragrance of the rose water. Then cast the below spell thrice or multiples of three until the incense sticks blows off, wear the same clothes next morning when getting ready for interview, pray to the almighty to give you success and help your spell give you effect step outside and do not turn back for any reason.

“azanthurus vipathinus
Culuculu cusutum
Itotun ilolum hocus
Focus focus focus hocus
Monetary nutiti itimilichi.”

Good luck spell for money

You would require a gold coin and a silver coin, you would also require some luck oil, put three drops of luck oil on the head side of each gold coin and silver coin, then stick the head side of both the coins together, hold both the coins firmly with both your thumb fingers and cast the below spell thrice, perform this spell for twelve continuous days starting a new moon day and perform it twice every day exactly at twelve a.m. and twelve p.m. once the spell is complete you will have to make a hole on the coin and slide a black thread on the coin and wear it on your neck as an amulet, after wearing the amulet go and try your luck with money matters like betting or playing at a casino and see how your luck supports you.

“Luck Luck be my bug
Mutusi mucumlusum
Levisotus bringumusum.”

Friday, August 4, 2017

Scrying/Communion with Anubis

[From the London-Leiden Greek papyri for communicating with the gods]

In a darkened room a boy gazes into a bowl filled with oil and the magician recites to following spell:

Grow, O light, come forth O light.
Rise O light, ascend O light.
Thou who art without, come in.

If, when the boy opens his eyes, he does not see the light, the magician tells him to close his eyes again then recites this:

O darkness, remove thyself from before him.
O light, bring the light to me.
Pshai that is in the abyss, bring the light to me.
O Osiris who is in the Neshem-boat, bring in the light to me.
These four winds that are without, bring in the light to me.
O thou whose hand is the moment that belongeth to these hours, bring in the light to me.
Anubis the good oxherd, bring in the light to me...
O great god whose name is great, appear to this child without alarming or deceiving, truthfully.

(Say this spell seven times)

If, after the second spell, the boy does see light and Anubis appears,there is another spell to greet him:

Hail Anubis, come to me.
The High and Mighty, the Chief over the mysteries of those in the Underworld, the Pharaoh of those in Amenti.
the Chief Physician, the fair son of Osiris, he whose face is strong among the gods, thou manifest thyself in the Underworld before the hand of Osiris...
Come to earth, show thyself to me here today...
Come to the mouths of my vessel today and do thou tell me answer in truth to everything that I shall inquire about without falsehood therein...

As the seance continues, the magician asks the boy if the gods have come in yet and he provides for them a table set with bread and beer. From among the gods present the boy asks one to stand and answer the magician's questions.

Protective Inscriptions/Incantations

The magical spell associated with a niche in the east wall of a tomb holding a statue of Anubis reclining upon his shrine or on a hill is:
"Thou watchful one, watchful also is he-who-is-upon-his-mountain. Thy moment is repelled. I have repelled thy moment of rage. I am thyprotector."

The spell placed on the statue of Anubis guarding the storeroom (TheTreasury of the Innermost) in the tomb of Tutankhamen reads:
"It is I who hinder the sand from choking the secret chamber, and who repel he who would repel him with the desert-flame. I have set aflame the desert, I have caused the path to be mistaken. I am for the protection of the Osiris."

to combat different demons, diseases, and fatal influences, such as the evil eye

The plague and the fever which scourge a country,
the disease which devastates a country,
bad for the flesh, fatal for the entrails,
the wicked demon, the wicked Alal, the wicked Gigim,
the malevolent man, the malevolent eye, the malevolent mouth, the malevolent tongue
of the man, son of his god, may they depart from his body, may they depart from his entrails.
They shall never take possession of my body,
they shall never do any evil in my presence, they shall never walk in my train,
they shall never enter my house,
they shall never step over my timbers,
they shall never enter into the habitation of my house.
Spirit of the heavens, conjure!
Spirit of the earth, conjure!
Spirit of Mul-ge, lord of countries, conjure!
Spirit of Nin-gelal, lady of countries, conjure!
Spirit of Nin-dar, powerful warrior of Mul-ge, conjure!
Spirit of Nusku, sublime messenger of Mul-ge, conjure
Spirit of En-zuna, eldest son of Mul-ge, conjure!
Spirit of Tiskhu, mistress of the armies, conjure!
Spirit of Mermer, king whose impetuosity is beneficent, conjure!
Spirit of Udu, king of justice, conjure!
Spirits Anunna-ge, great gods, conjure!

a conjuration against the seven sub-terraneous demons (second variation)

The day of mourning, the wind which brings misfortune,
the day of misfortune, the fatal wind which makes itself felt,
the day of misfortune, the fatal wind which precedes it,
the children of vengeance, the sons of vengeance,
the messengers of loss,
the ravagers of Nm-hi-gal,
the lightning which ravages the country,

the seven gods of the vast heavens,
the seven gods of the great earth,
the seven gods of the igneous spheres,
the seven gods, these are the seven gods,
the seven malevolent gods,
the seven malevolent phantoms,

the seven malevolent phantoms of the flames, in the heavens seven, on the earth seven,

the wicked demon, the wicked Alal, the wicked Gigim,
the wicked Telal, the wicked god, the wicked Maskim,

Spirit of the heavens, conjure!
Spirit of the earth, conjure!
Spirit of Mul-ge, king of the countries, conjure!
Spirit of Nin-gelal, lady of the countries, conjure!
Spirit of Nin-dar, son of the zenith, conjure!
Spirit of Tiskhu, lady of the countries, which shines in the night, conjure!

a conjuration against the seven subterraneous demons

They are seven! they are seven!
in the depths of the ocean, they are seven!
in the brilliancy of the heavens, they are seven!
They proceed from the ocean depths, from the hidden retreat.
They are neither male nor female,
those which stretch themselves out like chains.
They have no spouse, they do not produce children;
they are strangers to benevolence;
they listen neither to prayers nor wishes.
Vermin come forth from the mountain,
enemies of the god Hea,
they are the agents of the vengeance of the gods,
raising up difficulties, obtaining power by violence.
The enemies! the enemies
they are seven! they are seven! they are twice seven!
Spirit of the heavens, may they be conjured!
Spirit of the earth, may they be conjured!