In a darkened room a boy gazes into a bowl filled with oil and the magician recites to following spell:
Grow, O light, come forth O light.
Rise O light, ascend O light.
Thou who art without, come in.
If, when the boy opens his eyes, he does not see the light, the magician tells him to close his eyes again then recites this:
O darkness, remove thyself from before him.
O light, bring the light to me.
Pshai that is in the abyss, bring the light to me.
O Osiris who is in the Neshem-boat, bring in the light to me.
These four winds that are without, bring in the light to me.
O thou whose hand is the moment that belongeth to these hours, bring in the light to me.
Anubis the good oxherd, bring in the light to me...
O great god whose name is great, appear to this child without alarming or deceiving, truthfully.
(Say this spell seven times)
If, after the second spell, the boy does see light and Anubis appears,there is another spell to greet him:
Hail Anubis, come to me.
The High and Mighty, the Chief over the mysteries of those in the Underworld, the Pharaoh of those in Amenti.
the Chief Physician, the fair son of Osiris, he whose face is strong among the gods, thou manifest thyself in the Underworld before the hand of Osiris...
Come to earth, show thyself to me here today...
Come to the mouths of my vessel today and do thou tell me answer in truth to everything that I shall inquire about without falsehood therein...
As the seance continues, the magician asks the boy if the gods have come in yet and he provides for them a table set with bread and beer. From among the gods present the boy asks one to stand and answer the magician's questions.

The magical spell associated with a niche in the east wall of a tomb holding a statue of Anubis reclining upon his shrine or on a hill is:
"Thou watchful one, watchful also is he-who-is-upon-his-mountain. Thy moment is repelled. I have repelled thy moment of rage. I am thyprotector."
The spell placed on the statue of Anubis guarding the storeroom (TheTreasury of the Innermost) in the tomb of Tutankhamen reads:
"It is I who hinder the sand from choking the secret chamber, and who repel he who would repel him with the desert-flame. I have set aflame the desert, I have caused the path to be mistaken. I am for the protection of the Osiris."
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