Spell Number 500
The earth has become high under Noet through your arms, Tefnoet. Grab my hands!
Sun, please grab the arm of Pepi and place it [his place] among the nobles, in the foreground of the Two-fold Enneade, judge of the gods as the replacement of Horus if he cared for Horus's father Osiris.
Your body is in this Pepi, god; and see, your body is in Pepi, gods. This pepi has come to you in peace, Horus. Horus's eye will endure for him, with you, (gods) and it will not be given to Seth's thorn.
Spell Number 501
The door of heaven is opened, the Cool Waters' door is opened to Horus of the gods, that he may emerge and be cleansed in the Marsh of Reed: the door of heaven will be opened for this Pepi once the Cool Waters' door has been pulled open for this Pepi, that he may emerge and be cleaned in the Marsh of Reed.
The door of heaven has been opened, the Cool Waters 'door has been opened for Horus from Shezmet, that he may emerge and be cleansed in the Marsh of Reed: the door of heaven has been opened for Pepi, the Cool Waters' door is pulled open for this Pepi, that he may emerge and be cleaned in the Marsh of Reed.
The door of heaven has been opened, the Cool Waters' door has been opened to Horus from the east, which he will emerge and be cleansed in the Marsh of Reed: the door of heaven will be opened for this Pepi once the Cool Waters 'door has been pulled open for this Pepi, that he may emerge and be cleaned in the Marsh of Reed.
The door of heaven has been opened, the Cool Waters' door has been opened to Horus from the Akhet, which he will emerge and be cleansed in the Marsh of Reed: the door of heaven will be opened for this Pepi once the Cool Waters 'door has been pulled open for this Pepi, that he may emerge and be cleaned in the Marsh of Reed.
When the rising Horus of the gods emerges and is cleansed in the Marsh of Reed, this rising Pepi will emerge and be cleansed in the Marsh of Reed.
When the rising Horus from Shezmet emerges and is cleansed in the Marsh of Reed, this rising Pepi will emerge and be cleaned in the Marsh of Reed.
When the rising Horus emerges from the east and is cleansed in the Marsh of Reed, this rising Pepi will emerge and be cleansed in the Marsh of Reed.
When the rising Horus emerges from the Akhette precinct and is cleansed in the Marsh of Reed, this rising Pepi will emerge and be cleansed in the Marsh of Reed.
Since this Pepi has received the golden kilt, this Pepi will go to heaven and introduce the earth (Pepi saying): "Your belly Noet is swollen that is in you: in fact Pepi is the seed of the gods that is in you, Noet. Get him this Pepi, at you like you God "received son.
Hepatj, Hepatj! Heneni, Heneni! Invite this Pepi to go with you, introduce this Pepi with you.
H ft of graanschuut, God's mother , give your arm to this Pepi! Here is his arm: take me to heaven just as you brought Osiris to heaven
Hepatj, Hepatj! Heneni, Heneni! Invite this Pepi to come with you, introduce this Pepi at you.
Spell Number 502
Someone has been cleaned in the Meer van Riet.
The Sun has become pure in the Lake of Reed: this pepi itself has become pure in the Meer van Riet.
Shu has become pure in the Meer van Riet: this pepi itself has become pure in the Meer van Riet.
Shu, Shu, raise this Pepi to heaven! Noet, stretch your arms out to him!
He cries, he cries. Week layer, layer of layers, layer of lament! He cries, he cries.
Spell Number 503
The fire has started, the fire has arisen.
The incense is placed on the fire, the incense has arisen.
Your scent, incense has come to this Pepi: his scent has come to you, incense.
Your smell, gods, has come to this Pepi: his scent has come to you, gods.
This Pepi will be with you, gods; you will be with this Pepi, gods.
This Pepi will live with you; you will live with these Pepi, gods.
Pepi will long for you, gods; you will long for me, this Pepi, gods.
The one prepared to take off, this Pepi has come; the stinger, this Pepi has come, going up on Isis's thighs. This pepi will climb on Nephthys thighs. The arm of this Pepi is caught by his father Atum , for life, that he may assign him to those gods who are wise and experienced, the Imperishable Stars.
Mother of this Pepi, Ipy, gives that breast of yours to Pepi, that this Pepi can bring it to his mouth and suck that white, amazing, sweet milk from you.
The land over there where Pepi is going, this Pepi will not be thirsty, Pepi will not be hungry for eternity.
Spell Number 504
Pepi is one of the transport to heaven there. This Pepi has become more permanent than people, this Pepi has appeared before the gods.
This Pepi has appeared with the Sun in its appearance, the third of those who are with them: one behind this pepi, one for; one that places water, one that places sand. This Pepi has leaned on your arms, Shu, like the Sun leaning on your arm.
This Meryre found them seated to meet him, the two akhs, the mistresses of this land. Noet has been resurrected when she meets this Pepi and the plumes of her slip underneath her have received him. 90 And now that they have borne Pepi, that which is bad has released him; Selkethas given her arms to this pepi and crossed her breast to the mouth of this Pepi; Big Beard shaved the head of this Pepi and Sothis washed Pepi's arms ---- during his birth this day, gods.
These Pepi do not know his first mother, whom he (once) has known: Noet is the one who gave birth to this Meryre with Osiris.
Spell Number 505
Let this Pepi continue with you, Horus. Transport him, Thoth on your wing as Sokar in the foreground of the Maat-boat.
Horus is not outside, Thoth is not left behind. Nor will this Pepi be left behind: Pepi is the one who has the eye of Horus.
Spell Number 506
The Sun has become pure in the Marsh of Reed, Horus has become pure in the Marsh of Reed, this Pepi has become pure in the Moeras van Riet .
He, this Pepi, will therefore rise. No, give him your arm!
Week layer, lament! He will fly, he will fly!
Spell Number 507
Someone has gone to where his ka is: Eyes-Forward is eager to where his ka is, this Pepi has gone to where his ka is ---- to heaven.
A staircase (hill) is flattened before him and he will ascend in his identity of that which climbs to heaven.
A ferry has sailed to him through the Imperishable bars. The bull of heaven has bent over his horn and will pass over to the Lakes of the Duat.
Drop down (down in the ferry) Pepien you will kidney on the earth.
This Meryre will grab the two plane trees in between (here and) the other side of the sky. They will overtake him and place him in the far eastern side of heaven.
Spell Number 508
I know your name: I am not unfamiliar with your name "Unlimited" is your name; "He of the Crown" is the name of your father. Your mother is Peaceful, who gives birth to you, morning after morning.
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