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This is My Little Spell Book. A place where you can find spells of various sorts and place where magic is found and explored.
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Invocation to Frey and Freya
Holy sister and brother, Lady and Lord of the Vanir, Golden of hair as the fields of wheat Who bring riches of heart and hearth To no...

Wednesday, June 28, 2017
PGM XXXII.1-19 Love Spell of Attraction
“I adjure You, Evangelos, by Anubis and Hermes and all the Rest Down Below; attract and bind Sarapias whom Helen bore, to this Herais, whom Thermoutharin bore, now, now; quickly, quickly! By her Soul and Heart attract Sarapias herself, whom Helen bore from her own Womb, MAEI OTE ELBO'SATOK ALAOUBE'TO' O'EIO … AE'N. Attract and bind the Soul and Heart of Sarapias, whom Helen bore, to this Herais, whom Thermoutharin bore from her Womb now, now; quickly, quickly!” [PGM XXXII.1-19]
PGM VII.462-66 Excellent Love Charm
Inscribe by scratching on a Tin Lamella the Characters and the Names, and after making it Magically Potent with some Magical Material, roll it up and throw it in the Sea.
The Characters are these: “[omitted]ICHANARMENTHO' CHASAR, cause her, NN, to love me” (add the usual). Write with a Copper Nail from a Shipwrecked Vessel. [PGM VII.462-66]
PGM IV.1265-74 Aphrodite's Love spell
Aphrodite's Name, which becomes known to No One quickly, is NEPHERIE'RI [i.e. Nfr-iry.t, “the beautiful eye”, an epithet for Aphrodite/Hathor] – this is the Name. If you wish to win a Woman who is beautiful, be Pure for 3 days, make an offering of Frankincense, and call this Name over it. You approach the Woman and say it seven times in your Soul as you gaze at her, and in this way it will succeed. But do this for 7 days. [PGM IV.1265-74]
ij. Love Spell Which Acts in the Same Hour
Take a Seashell and write the Holy Names with the Blood of a Black Ass.
Spell: “I adjure you, Shell, by Bitter Necessity, (MASKELLI formula) [i.e., MASKELLI MASKELLO' PHNOUKENTABAO' OREOBAZAGRA RHE'XICHTHO'N HIPPOCHTHO'N PYRIPE'GANYX] and by those who have been placed in charge of the Punishments, LAKI LAKIO' LAKIMOU MOUKILA KILAMOU IO'R MOUO'R MOUDRA MAXTHA MOUSATHA: attract her, NN, whom NN bore” (add the usual, whatever). “Do not be stubborn, but attract her, OUCH OUCH CHAUNA MOUCHLIMALCHA MANTO'R MOURKANA MOULITHA MALTHALI MOUI E'IE'I YYY AE' AIE' YOO' AE'I AE'I AE'I AO'A AO'A AO'A IAO' O'AI O'AI AIO' O'AI IO'A IAO' O'AI, attract her, NN” (add the usual).
As the Moon waxes in Aries or in Taurus [add the usual, whatever you wish]. [This line may belong to another spell.] [PGM VII.300a-310]
Aradia Love Spell
You can bring your lover to you by asking the Italian Fairy Queen, Diana to call upon her daughter, Aradia for aid.
Choose the first Thursday following a New Moon and plan to stay awake all night to think only of your lover. At dawn on Friday,
call your beloved to you when the Moon is still visible and the Sun is just rising, saying:
"Good and beautiful Diana, I have faithfully worshiped you; now help me! Call your daughter Aradia and send her to fetch my love to me. Fill our souls with the joy of lovemaking. Thank you great Fairy Queen and fair Aradia."
Dogs are sacred to Diana, so if the tryst must be kept a secret, your lover may come disguised as a dog, shape-shifting into human form only when you are alone.Attract the Perfect Lover Spell Timing: Perform on a Friday during the waxing moon.
6 rose petals
1 teaspoon of lavender
1 teaspoon of cinnamon a rose quartz
6-inch square of pink cloth green ribbon (floss or yarn will do)
an inch of red ribbon
needle and thread
a penny
Place the petals, rose quartz, lavender, cinnamon, red ribbon, and penny in the center of the cloth square.
Gather the edges of the fabric together and hold the pouch close to your heart.
Then say:
"Venus, Queen of love, divine Bring the love to me that's mine.Perfect, he (she) and perfect, me Together we are meant to be.Venus, Queen of love, so warm Bring my love to me, without harm.Let nothing keep us now apart,Bring perfect love to fill my heart."
Still holding the pouch against your heart, fill it with loving energy. Secure the pouch with the green ribbon to seal the spell.
Carry it on your person and sleep with it under your pillow.
When the lover comes to you, bury the pouch under a tree.Attract-A-Mate-Spell There are many spells to help attract love. This one is especially easy to perform. To start, youll need a bottle of your favorite scent and a pink candle.
Carve a heart in the candle using a pin or toothpick. Light the candle in a window where it will receive moonlight from a Full Moon.
Place the scent bottle in front of the candle, and say:
"Grant to me the love I lack; through this scent, my mate attract!"
Let the candle burn out naturally, then carry the scent with you at all times.
You may dab a little on when you are out socializing. Increase the power of the magic by repeating the invocation every time you put on the scent.
Attraction Chant
Goddess, let all good blessings come to thee,
Love and money fair to see.
Let all happiness and love,
Be heaped upon thee from above.
Bring in, bring in, as the Moon doth swell,
Whatever Thou neediest to keep thee well.
Chant for Crossing the Gates of Dawn & Dusk
(This is a short chant to say at dusk and dawn, calling the protection of Hecate, the ancient goddess of crossroads. Taking a moment to chant these words can help us to ground, and give us a way to recognize this daily cycle of rebirth and transformation in our lives. It also helps to enforce our connection with Hecate.)
At the gate of dawn I stand,
Hecate, on the other hand,
Guard me with your magic power,
Guide me through the crossroads hour
From the beauty of the night
To the glory of the light.
At the gate of dusk I stand,
Hecate, on the other hand,
Guard me with your magic power.
Guide me through the crossroads hour,
From the glory of the light,
To the beauty of the night.
Chant to Bless the Altar
Come Goddesses of fire and water,
Goddesses of earth and air.
Give your blessings to this altar,
Give a listen to our prayers.
Words of Power
May the circle never be broken,
May the earth always be whole,
May the rattle ever be shaken,
May Hecate live in my soul.
Chant to Cast off Troubles
Hecate, Goddess of darkest night,
Send my troubles all to flight,
Burn them in thy sacred fires,
And replace them with my heart's desire!
Protective Spell form the PGM
Taking Sulfur and Seed of Nile Rushes, burn as Incense to the Moon and say, “I call on You, Lady Isis, whom Agathos Daimon permitted to rule in the entire Black Land [i.e., Egypt]. Your name is LOU LOULOU BATHARTHAR THARE'SIBATH ATHERNEKLE'SICH ATHERNEBOUNI E'ICHOMO' CHOMO'THI Isis Sothis, SOUE'RI, Boubastis, EURELIBAT CHAMARI NEBOUTOS OUE'RI AIE' E'OA O'AI. Protect me, Great and Marvelous Names of the God (add the usual [i.e., the protection you seek]); for I am the One Established in Pelusium, SERPHOUTH MOUISRO' STROMMO' MOLO'TH MOLONTHE'R PHON Thoth. Protect me, Great and Marvelous Names of the Great God! (add the usual) “ASO' EIO' NISAO'TH. Lady Isis, Nemesis, Adrasteia, Many-named, Many-formed, glorify me, as I have glorified the Name of Your Son Horus! (add the usual)” [PGM VII.490-504]
Monday, June 26, 2017
Chant for Swift Justice
The chant below brings swift justice to those who treat you unfairly. Take caution in using it, though, especially if you have also behaved inappropriately. Hecate's justice knows no bounds. She sees to it that all involved get precisely what they deserve.
"Hecate, Dark One, hear my plea,
Bring justice now, I ask of Thee!
Right the wrongs that have been done,
Avenge me now, oh Mighty One.
Turn misfortune back to those
Who cause my problems and my woes.
And heap upon them karmic debt
Lest they all too soon forget
Their wrongful actions, words, and deeds
Don't let them get away scot-free.
Bring them forth from where they hide,
Bring swift justice ~ wield your knife.
Hasten, Dark One; hear my plea ~
Do what it is I ask of Thee."
a prayer to selene (Papyri graecae magicae)
O three-faced Selene, come to me beloved mistress
Graciously hear my sacred spells;
Image of Night, Youthful One,
Dawn-born, light-bringer to mortals
Who rides upon fierce-eyed bulls.
O Queen, you who drive your chariot
On equal course with Helios,
You dance with the triple forms of the triple Graces
As you revel with the stars.
You are Justice and the thread of the Fates,
Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos,
O Three-headed One you are
Persephone, Megaira and Allecto
O One of many shapes who arm your hands
With terrible dark-glowing lamps,
Who shakes locks of fearsome serpents at your brow,
Whose mouths send forth the roar of bulls,
Whose womb is thick with reptile scales,
At whose shoulders are rows of venomous serpents,
Bound across your back beneath murderous chains.
O Night-bellower, Lover of solitude,
Bull-faced and Bull-headed One
You have the eyes of bulls and the voice of dogs.
Your forms are hidden in the legs of lions.
Your ankle is wolf-shaped,
and savage dogs are friendly to you,
Wherefore they call you Hekate, Many-named, Mene,
Cleaving the air like arrow-shooting Artemis,
O Goddess of Four faces, Four names, Four ways,
Artemis, Persephone, Deer-shooter, Night-shiner,
Graciously hear my sacred spells;
Image of Night, Youthful One,
Dawn-born, light-bringer to mortals
Who rides upon fierce-eyed bulls.
O Queen, you who drive your chariot
On equal course with Helios,
You dance with the triple forms of the triple Graces
As you revel with the stars.
You are Justice and the thread of the Fates,
Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos,
O Three-headed One you are
Persephone, Megaira and Allecto
O One of many shapes who arm your hands
With terrible dark-glowing lamps,
Who shakes locks of fearsome serpents at your brow,
Whose mouths send forth the roar of bulls,
Whose womb is thick with reptile scales,
At whose shoulders are rows of venomous serpents,
Bound across your back beneath murderous chains.
O Night-bellower, Lover of solitude,
Bull-faced and Bull-headed One
You have the eyes of bulls and the voice of dogs.
Your forms are hidden in the legs of lions.
Your ankle is wolf-shaped,
and savage dogs are friendly to you,
Wherefore they call you Hekate, Many-named, Mene,
Cleaving the air like arrow-shooting Artemis,
O Goddess of Four faces, Four names, Four ways,
Artemis, Persephone, Deer-shooter, Night-shiner,
Triple voiced,
Thrice-named Selene O Trident-bearing One of Three faces,
Three necks, Three Ways,
Who holds undying flaming fire in triple baskets.
You frequent the Three Ways
and are Mistress of the Three Decads.
Be gracious unto me who is invoking you
and hearken favourably.
You encompass the vast world at night,
You make the Daemones shudder
and the Immortals tremble,
O Many-named Goddess who brings glory to men,
Whose children are fair, O Bull-eyed One, Horned One,
Nature, All-mother, who brings forth both Gods and men,
You roam around Olympus and traverse
the wide and fathomless Abyss,
You are the Beginning and End,
and you alone are Mistress of All:
For from you are All things, and in you,
Eternal One, do All things end.
You bear at your brow an everlasting diadem,
The unbreakable and irremovable bonds of great Cronos,
And you hold in your hands a golden sceptre
Which is encircled by a formula
inscribed by Cronos himself
Who gave it to you to bear in
order that all things remain steadfast:
'Overpowerer and Overpowered One
Conqueror of men and Damnodamia,'
You rule Chaos, Araracharara ephthisikere,
Hail Goddess and attend your epithets,
I offer you this incense Child of Zeus
Arrow-shooter, Heavenly One, Goddess of Harbours,
Mountain-roamer, Goddess of Crossroads,
Nocturnal One of the Underworld, Shadowy One of Hades,
Still One who frightens, having a feast among the graves.
You are Night, Darkness and broad Chaos,
For you are Necessity hard to escape
You are Fate, you are Erinys and the Torture,
You are the Murderess and Justice
You hold Cerberus in Chains,
You are steely-blue with serpent-scales,
O serpent-haired and Serpent-girdled One,
Blood-drinker, Death-bringer who breeds corruption,
Feaster on hearts,
Flesh-eater who devours those who died before their time,
Driver to the Wanderings of Madness,
Come to my sacrifices and fulfil this task for me.
~From the Greek Magical Papyri
Three necks, Three Ways,
Who holds undying flaming fire in triple baskets.
You frequent the Three Ways
and are Mistress of the Three Decads.
Be gracious unto me who is invoking you
and hearken favourably.
You encompass the vast world at night,
You make the Daemones shudder
and the Immortals tremble,
O Many-named Goddess who brings glory to men,
Whose children are fair, O Bull-eyed One, Horned One,
Nature, All-mother, who brings forth both Gods and men,
You roam around Olympus and traverse
the wide and fathomless Abyss,
You are the Beginning and End,
and you alone are Mistress of All:
For from you are All things, and in you,
Eternal One, do All things end.
You bear at your brow an everlasting diadem,
The unbreakable and irremovable bonds of great Cronos,
And you hold in your hands a golden sceptre
Which is encircled by a formula
inscribed by Cronos himself
Who gave it to you to bear in
order that all things remain steadfast:
'Overpowerer and Overpowered One
Conqueror of men and Damnodamia,'
You rule Chaos, Araracharara ephthisikere,
Hail Goddess and attend your epithets,
I offer you this incense Child of Zeus
Arrow-shooter, Heavenly One, Goddess of Harbours,
Mountain-roamer, Goddess of Crossroads,
Nocturnal One of the Underworld, Shadowy One of Hades,
Still One who frightens, having a feast among the graves.
You are Night, Darkness and broad Chaos,
For you are Necessity hard to escape
You are Fate, you are Erinys and the Torture,
You are the Murderess and Justice
You hold Cerberus in Chains,
You are steely-blue with serpent-scales,
O serpent-haired and Serpent-girdled One,
Blood-drinker, Death-bringer who breeds corruption,
Feaster on hearts,
Flesh-eater who devours those who died before their time,
Driver to the Wanderings of Madness,
Come to my sacrifices and fulfil this task for me.
~From the Greek Magical Papyri
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Adoration Candle Magick Love Spell
On your altar, place two red candles at either end.
Before doing this, rub the two candles with rose essential oil.
Again, on Friday, the day of the week devoted to the Goddess Aphrodite, perform this task to attract your beloved.
Write your name on one candle, and your beloved's on the other.
If you do not know his or her name, simply write "my beloved" or "my true love".
Again try to use language that will ensure positive magic.
If you simply write "handsome" you may well end up with someone gorgeous, but who is harmful for you in some other way.
Each evening at seven, light the candles and move them slightly closer together.
Carve into your candle a word of special significance to you, perhaps taken from your insights when you performed the wishful thinking task.
Perhaps the word "devoted" should be carved into your beloved's candle.
On your own, write the same.
Meditate on this quality for several minutes, then snuff out the candles.
Repeat this for seven nights, using a different quality each time, until on the seventh, the following Friday, both candles are finally standing as close together as possible.
Light them and let them burn down and out.
If any wax remains, scatter it before you as you walk through a beautiful place, wishing it to bring good fortune to others hoping for love.
Aphrodite Love Charm Assemble materials and cast a circle on the appropriate and hour day.
Light an red candle and burn Venus incense.
Cut a circle out of red or rose-pink cloth (orange, green or white could also be appropriate).
Fill it with a mixture of any of the following herbs and oils:
Add a red felt heart and a copper coin.
Write in tiny letters on a small piece of paper:
Charge it with the four elements.
Imbue it with your desires and visualizations.
Ground the energy and relax.
Bind the charm by tying it with a blue thread in seven knots.
Open the circle.
Before doing this, rub the two candles with rose essential oil.
Again, on Friday, the day of the week devoted to the Goddess Aphrodite, perform this task to attract your beloved.
Write your name on one candle, and your beloved's on the other.
If you do not know his or her name, simply write "my beloved" or "my true love".
Again try to use language that will ensure positive magic.
If you simply write "handsome" you may well end up with someone gorgeous, but who is harmful for you in some other way.
Each evening at seven, light the candles and move them slightly closer together.
Carve into your candle a word of special significance to you, perhaps taken from your insights when you performed the wishful thinking task.
Perhaps the word "devoted" should be carved into your beloved's candle.
On your own, write the same.
Meditate on this quality for several minutes, then snuff out the candles.
Repeat this for seven nights, using a different quality each time, until on the seventh, the following Friday, both candles are finally standing as close together as possible.
Light them and let them burn down and out.
If any wax remains, scatter it before you as you walk through a beautiful place, wishing it to bring good fortune to others hoping for love.

Aphrodite Love Charm Assemble materials and cast a circle on the appropriate and hour day.
Light an red candle and burn Venus incense.
Cut a circle out of red or rose-pink cloth (orange, green or white could also be appropriate).
Fill it with a mixture of any of the following herbs and oils:
- acacia flowers,
- myrtle,
- rose petals or buds,
- jasmine flowers,
- lavender,
- cloves,
- rosemary,
- cinnamon,
- olive oil,
- basil,
- mint,
- patchouli,
- musk,
- honeysuckle.
Add a red felt heart and a copper coin.
Write in tiny letters on a small piece of paper:
"Aphrodite of the sea,Send my true love to me"Place it in the charm.
Charge it with the four elements.
Imbue it with your desires and visualizations.
Ground the energy and relax.
Bind the charm by tying it with a blue thread in seven knots.
Open the circle.
Financial Luck Spell
- Green candle
- White candle.
The Green candle represents the money
The white candle represents you.
First anoint the candles with oil, thinking of your desire for money to come to you.
Set the candles on your alter or table 9 inches apart.
After doing this say:
"Money, money come to me in abundance three times three
May I be enriched in the best of ways harming none on its way
This I accept, so mote it be bring me money three times three!"
Repeat this for nine days.
Each day move the white candle one inch closer to the green candle.
When the candles touch, your spell is finished.
Make sure you visualize the money pouring in from the universe.
A Liberation Spell
Sit in a circle and place nine candles anointed with oils and spices.
As you intone the words below, place an object the target has given you
into a poppet and place the poppet into the cauldron.
"Your love will wither and depart,
from my life and my heart
Let me be, (name)
and go away forever."
Then light the poppet and watch.
Spell to find the Truth
- Thyme
- A red candle
- An herb dish
"Purification I do conjureLight the candle and say:
So that thoughts be spoke,
No be pondered"
"Passion so red,Drop red wax onto the herbs and say:
Set to the fire,
Let the truth be said,
As is my desire"
"Mists of thyme,
Fire of red,
Send the truth to my head"
A Hymn of Praise to Osiris Un-Nefer,
the great god who dwelleth in Abtu, the king of eternity,
the lord of everlastingness,
who traverseth millions of years in his existence.
Thou art the eldest son of the womb of Nut.
Thou was begotten by Keb, the Erpat.
Thou art the lord of the Urrt Crown.
Thou art he whose White Crown is lofty.
Thou art the King (Ati) of gods [and] men.
Thou hast gained possession of the sceptre of rule, and the whip, and the rank and dignity of thy divine fathers.
Thy heart is expanded with joy, O thou who art in the kingdom of the dead. Thy son Horus is firmly placed on thy throne.
Thou hast ascended thy throne as the Lord of Tetu, and as the Heq who dwelleth in Abydos.
Thou makest the Two Lands to flourish through Truth-speaking, in the presence of him who is the Lord to the Uttermost Limit.
Thou drawest on that which hath not yet come into being in thy name of "Ta-her-sta-nef."
Thou governest the Two Lands by Maat in thy name of "Seker."
Thy power is wide-spread, thou art he of whom the fear is great in thy name of "Usar" (or "Asar").
Thy existence endureth for an infinite number of double henti periods in thy name of "Un-Nefer." Homage to thee, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and Prince of Princes.
Thou hast ruled the Two Lands from the womb of the goddess Nut.
Thou hast governed the Lands of Akert.
Thy members are of silver-gold, thy head is of lapis-lazuli, and the crown of thy head is of turquoise.
Thou art An of millions of years.
Thy body is all pervading, O Beautiful Face in Ta-tchesert.
Grant thou to me glory in heaven, and power upon earth, and truth-speaking in the Divine Underworld, and [the power to] sail down the river to Tetu in the form of a living Ba-soul, and [the power to] sail up the river to Abydos in the form of a Benu bird, and [the power to] pass in through and to pass out from, without obstruction, the doors of the lords of the Tuat.
Let there be given unto me bread-cakes in the House of Refreshing, and sepulchral offerings of cakes and ale, and propitiatory offerings in Anu, and a permanent homestead in Sekhet-Aaru, with wheat and barley therein- to the Double of the Osiris, the scribe Ani.
Behold, the Osiris Ani, the scribe of the holy offerings of all the gods, saith:
The goddess Maat embraceth thee at the two seasons of the day. May Ra give glory, and power, and thruth-speaking, and the appearance as a living soul so that he may gaze upon Heru-khuti, to the KA of the Osiris the Scribe Ani, who speaketh truth before Osiris, and who saith:
Hail, Tatun, [who art] One, thou creator of mortals [and] of the Companies of the Gods of the South and of the North, of the West and of the East, ascribe ye praise to Ra, the lord of heaven, the KING, Life, Strength, and Health, the maker of the gods.
Give ye thanks unto him in his beneficent form which is enthroned in the Atett Boat; beings celestial praise thee, beings terrestial praise thee.
Thoth and the goddess Maat mark out thy course for thee day by day and every day.
Thine enemy the Serpent hath been given over to the fire.
The Serpent- fiend Sebau hath fallen headlong, his forelegs are bound in chains, and his hind legs hath Ra carried away from him.
The Sons of Revolt shall never more rise up.
The House of the Aged One keepeth festival, and the voices of those who make merry are in the Great Place.
The gods rejoice when they see Ra crowned upon his throne, and when his beams flood the world with light.
The majesty of this holy god setteth out on his journey, and he goeth onwards until he reacheth the land of Manu; the earth becometh light at his birth each day; he proceedeth until he reacheth the place where he was yesterday.
O be thou at peace with me. Let me gaze upon thy beauties. Let me journey above the earth. Let me smite the Ass.
Let me slit asunder the Serpent-fiend Sebau. Let me destroy Aepep at the moment of his greatest power.
Let me behold the Abtu Fish at his season, and the Ant Fish with the Ant Boat as it piloteth it in its lake.
Let me behold Horus when he is in charge of the rudder [of the Boat of Ra], with Thoth and the goddess Maat on each side of him.
Let me lay hold of the tow-rope of the Sektet Boat, and the rope at the stern of the Matett Boat.
Let Ra grant to me a view of the Disk (the Sun), and a sight of Ah (the Moon) unfailingly each day.
Let my Ba- soul come forth to walk about hither and thither and whithersoever it pleaseth.
Let my name be called out, let it be found inscribed on the tablet which recordeth the names of those who are to receive offerings.
Let meals from the sepulchral offerings be given to me in the presence [of Osiris], as to those who are in the following of Horus.
Let there be prepared for me a seat in the Boat of the Sun on the day wheron the god saileth.
Let me be received in the presence of Osiris in the Land of Truth-speaking- the Ka of Osiris Ani.
Homage to thee, O thou who hast come as Khepera, Khepera the creator of the gods,
Thou art seated on thy throne, thou risest up in the sky,
illumining thy mother [Nut], thou art seated on thy throne as the king of the gods.
[Thy] mother Nut stretcheth out her hands, and performeth an act of homage to thee.
The domain of Manu receiveth thee with satisfaction.
The goddess Maat embraceth thee at the two seasons of the day. May Ra give glory, and power, and thruth-speaking, and the appearance as a living soul so that he may gaze upon Heru-khuti, to the KA of the Osiris the Scribe Ani, who speaketh truth before Osiris, and who saith:
Hail, O all ye gods of the House of the Soul,
who weigh heaven and earth in a balance,
and who give celestial food [to the dead].
Hail, Tatun, [who art] One, thou creator of mortals [and] of the Companies of the Gods of the South and of the North, of the West and of the East, ascribe ye praise to Ra, the lord of heaven, the KING, Life, Strength, and Health, the maker of the gods.
Give ye thanks unto him in his beneficent form which is enthroned in the Atett Boat; beings celestial praise thee, beings terrestial praise thee.
Thoth and the goddess Maat mark out thy course for thee day by day and every day.
Thine enemy the Serpent hath been given over to the fire.
The Serpent- fiend Sebau hath fallen headlong, his forelegs are bound in chains, and his hind legs hath Ra carried away from him.
The Sons of Revolt shall never more rise up.
The House of the Aged One keepeth festival, and the voices of those who make merry are in the Great Place.
The gods rejoice when they see Ra crowned upon his throne, and when his beams flood the world with light.
The majesty of this holy god setteth out on his journey, and he goeth onwards until he reacheth the land of Manu; the earth becometh light at his birth each day; he proceedeth until he reacheth the place where he was yesterday.
O be thou at peace with me. Let me gaze upon thy beauties. Let me journey above the earth. Let me smite the Ass.
Let me slit asunder the Serpent-fiend Sebau. Let me destroy Aepep at the moment of his greatest power.
Let me behold the Abtu Fish at his season, and the Ant Fish with the Ant Boat as it piloteth it in its lake.
Let me behold Horus when he is in charge of the rudder [of the Boat of Ra], with Thoth and the goddess Maat on each side of him.
Let me lay hold of the tow-rope of the Sektet Boat, and the rope at the stern of the Matett Boat.
Let Ra grant to me a view of the Disk (the Sun), and a sight of Ah (the Moon) unfailingly each day.
Let my Ba- soul come forth to walk about hither and thither and whithersoever it pleaseth.
Let my name be called out, let it be found inscribed on the tablet which recordeth the names of those who are to receive offerings.
Let meals from the sepulchral offerings be given to me in the presence [of Osiris], as to those who are in the following of Horus.
Let there be prepared for me a seat in the Boat of the Sun on the day wheron the god saileth.
Let me be received in the presence of Osiris in the Land of Truth-speaking- the Ka of Osiris Ani.
"Homage to thee, Osiris, Lord of eternity, King of the Gods, whose names are manifold, whose forms are holy, thou being of hidden form in the temples, whose Ka is holy.
Thou art the governor of Tattu (Busiris), and also the mighty one in Sekhem (Letopolis).
Thou art the Lord to whom praises are ascribed in the nome of Ati, thou art the Prince of divine food in Anu.
Thou art the Lord who is commemorated in Maati, the Hidden Soul, the Lord of Qerrt (Elephantine), the Ruler supreme in White Wall (Memphis).
Thou art the Soul of Ra, his own body, and hast thy place of rest in Henensu (Herakleopolis).
Thou art the beneficent one, and art praised in Nart.
Thou makest thy soul to be raised up.
Thou art the Lord of the Great House in Khemenu (Hermopolis).
Thou art the mighty one of victories in Shas-hetep, the Lord of eternity, the Governor of Abydos.
The path of his throne is in Ta-tcheser (a part of Abydos).
Thy name is established in the mouths of men. Thou art the substance of Two Lands (Egypt).
Thou art Tem, the feeder of Kau (Doubles), the Governor of the Companies of the gods. Thou art the beneficent Spirit among the spirits.
The god of the Celestial Ocean (Nu) draweth from thee his waters.
Thou sendest forth the north wind at eventide, and breath from thy nostrils to the satisfaction of thy heart.
Thy heart reneweth its youth, thou producest the.... The stars in the celestial heights are obedient unto thee, and the great doors of the sky open themselves before thee.
Thou art he to whom praises are ascribed in the southern heaven, and thanks are given for thee in the northern heaven.
The imperishable stars are under thy supervision, and the stars which never set are thy thrones. Offerings appear before thee at the decree of Keb.
The Companies of the Gods praise thee, and the gods of the Tuat (Other World) smell the earth in paying homage to thee.
The uttermost parts of the earth bow before thee, and the limits of the skies entreat thee with supplications when they see thee.
The holy ones are overcome before thee, and all Egypt offereth thanksgiving unto thee when it meeteth Thy Majesty.
Thou art a shining Spirit-Body, the governor of Spirit-Bodies; permanent is thy rank, established is thy rule.
Thou art the well-doing Sekhem (Power) of the Company of the Gods, gracious is thy face, and beloved by him that seeth it.
Thy fear is set in all the lands by reason of thy perfect love, and they cry out to thy name making it the first of names, and all people make offerings to thee.
Thou art the lord who art commemorated in heaven and upon earth.
Many are the cries which are made to thee at the Uak festival, and with one heart and voice Egypt raiseth cries of joy to thee.
"Thou art the Great Chief, the first among thy brethren, the Prince of the Company of the Gods, the stablisher of Right and Truth throughout the World, the Son who was set on the great throne of his father Keb.
Thou art the beloved of thy mother Nut, the mighty one of valour, who overthrew the Sebau-fiend.
Thou didst stand up and smite thine enemy, and set thy fear in thine adversary.
Thou dost bring the boundaries of the mountains.
Thy heart is fixed, thy legs are set firm. Thou art the heir of Keb and of the sovereignty of the Two Lands (Egypt).
He (Keb) hath seen his splendours, he hath decreed for him the guidance of the world by thy hand as long as times endure.
Thou hast made this earth with thy hand, and the waters, and the winds, and the vegetation, and all the cattle, and all the feathered fowl, and all the fish, and all the creeping things, and all the wild animals therof.
The desert is the lawful possession of the son of Nut.
The Two Lands (Egypt) are content to crown thee upon the throne of thy father, like Ra.
"Thou rollest up into the horizon, thou hast set light over the darkness, thou sendest forth air from thy plumes, and thou floodest the Two Lands like the Disk at daybreak.
Thy crown penetrateth the height of heaven, thou art the companion of the stars, and the guide of every god.
Thou art beneficent in decree and speech, the favoured one of the Great Company of the Gods, and the beloved of the Little Company of the Gods.
His sister [Isis] hath protected him, and hath repulsed the fiends, and turned aside calamities (of evil).
She uttered the spell with the magical power of her mouth. Her tongue was perfect, and it never halted at a word.
Beneficent in command and word was Isis, the woman of magical spells, the advocate of her brother.
She sought him untiringly, she wandered round and round about this earth in sorrow, and she alighted not without finding him.
She made light with her feathers, she created air with her wings, and she uttered the death wail for her brother.
She raised up the inactive members of whose heart was still, she drew from him his essence, she made an heir, she reared the child in loneliness, and the place where he was not known, and he grew in strength and stature, and his hand was mighty in the House of Keb.
The Company of the Gods rejoiced, rejoiced, at the coming of Horus, the son of Osiris, whose heart was firm, the triumphant, the son of Isis, the heir of Osiris."
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
The Festival of Duir
Oak Tree Month
Color: Black
Element: Earth
Altar: Upon a black cloth place the vase of oak branches, a hammer, a metal lightning bolt, a sun symbol with the rune Sigil upon it, and a Green Man with an oak-leaf face.
Offerings: Give thanks for personal victories.
Daily Meal: Serve salad with each meal, arranged in the circular pattern of the Green Man.
Duir Invocation
Call: Now is the time of the Sun's height.
Response: Now is the time when the leaves reach to the heavens.
Call: Now is the time when the Oak King spread his arms.
Response: Now is the time when we reach with him for the Sun.
Call: Now is the time when we return to the ancient grove of the Druids.
Response: Now is the time when we witness the Sun's sacrifice.
Call: Now is the time when we go forth in glory.
Response: Now is the time of the turning of the year.
Call: Hail to the wren, soul of the Oak King!
Response: Hail to the sky, crown of the Oak King!
Call: Hail to the Earth, bed of the Oak King!
Response: Hail to the Sun, lover of the Oak King!
Call: Hail to the guardians of the door!
Response: May they guard us well, O oaken beams!
Call: We have no need to guard ourselves....
Response: For the Gods will guard us.
Call: We have no need to hide behind bolted doors....
Response: For now is the time to be open to the Sun!
Call: Like the Green Man, we speak through the oak!
Response: Like the Green Man, our voice is the strength of the earth!
Call: Like the Oak King, we do not fear the lightning!
Response: Like the Oak King, we will accept all repercussions!
Call: We have no shame for our actions....
Response: For all that we do, we do from a place of worthiness.
Call: For all that we do, we do from a place of honor.
Response: For all that we do, we do from a place of love.
By my body I be earth
By my spirit I be fire
Call the lightning to my heart
Bring my soul what I desire
Color: Black
Element: Earth
Altar: Upon a black cloth place the vase of oak branches, a hammer, a metal lightning bolt, a sun symbol with the rune Sigil upon it, and a Green Man with an oak-leaf face.
Offerings: Give thanks for personal victories.
Daily Meal: Serve salad with each meal, arranged in the circular pattern of the Green Man.
Duir Invocation
Call: Now is the time of the Sun's height.
Response: Now is the time when the leaves reach to the heavens.
Call: Now is the time when the Oak King spread his arms.
Response: Now is the time when we reach with him for the Sun.
Call: Now is the time when we return to the ancient grove of the Druids.
Response: Now is the time when we witness the Sun's sacrifice.
Call: Now is the time when we go forth in glory.
Response: Now is the time of the turning of the year.
Call: Hail to the wren, soul of the Oak King!
Response: Hail to the sky, crown of the Oak King!
Call: Hail to the Earth, bed of the Oak King!
Response: Hail to the Sun, lover of the Oak King!
Call: Hail to the guardians of the door!
Response: May they guard us well, O oaken beams!
Call: We have no need to guard ourselves....
Response: For the Gods will guard us.
Call: We have no need to hide behind bolted doors....
Response: For now is the time to be open to the Sun!
Call: Like the Green Man, we speak through the oak!
Response: Like the Green Man, our voice is the strength of the earth!
Call: Like the Oak King, we do not fear the lightning!
Response: Like the Oak King, we will accept all repercussions!
Call: We have no shame for our actions....
Response: For all that we do, we do from a place of worthiness.
Call: For all that we do, we do from a place of honor.
Response: For all that we do, we do from a place of love.
By my body I be earth
By my spirit I be fire
Call the lightning to my heart
Bring my soul what I desire
The Festival of Fearn and Elaphebolion
Alder Tree Month
Color: Crimson
Element: Fire
Altar: Upon cloth of crimson set a flaming brazier filled with charcoal and incense.
Offerings: Purification. Write what has been dragging your down, and place it in the fire.
Daily Meal: Hot, nourishing food.
Fearn Invocation
Call: Now is the time of the warming of Earth.
Response: Now is the time of the Sun's first warmth.
Call: Now is the time when the waters of Spring are banished.
Response: Now is the time when fire dries the flood.
Call: Now is the time when the heat rises within us.
Response: Now is the time when our tears are dried.
Call: Now is the time when our inner floods give way.
Response: Now is the time when our inner fields are greening.
Call: Like the birds who build their nests in the Spring....
Response: Like the creatures of the woods who brave the open fields...
Call: As they brave the world....
Response: So we now brave the world.
Call: As they seek sustenance of the body....
Response: So we seek sustenance of the soul.
Call: As they are driven forth by need and the cycle of life.....
Response: So we are driven forth by need and the cycle of life.
Call: No house can contain our souls....
Response: As no house contains the foundation on which it is built.
Call: We will be the piles that lift the house from the water....
Response: And we will lift our spirits from the winter's flood.
Call: We will be the island in the river....
Response: The islands where the future is told...
Call: And we will see that future running like the current....
Response: Knowing not where it will lead....
Call: Save by the grace of the gods.
Response: Save by the grace of the Gods.
We gather at the river
We bring fire to the water
Our fire burns within us
The river parts before us
Color: Crimson
Element: Fire
Altar: Upon cloth of crimson set a flaming brazier filled with charcoal and incense.
Offerings: Purification. Write what has been dragging your down, and place it in the fire.
Daily Meal: Hot, nourishing food.
Fearn Invocation
Call: Now is the time of the warming of Earth.
Response: Now is the time of the Sun's first warmth.
Call: Now is the time when the waters of Spring are banished.
Response: Now is the time when fire dries the flood.
Call: Now is the time when the heat rises within us.
Response: Now is the time when our tears are dried.
Call: Now is the time when our inner floods give way.
Response: Now is the time when our inner fields are greening.
Call: Like the birds who build their nests in the Spring....
Response: Like the creatures of the woods who brave the open fields...
Call: As they brave the world....
Response: So we now brave the world.
Call: As they seek sustenance of the body....
Response: So we seek sustenance of the soul.
Call: As they are driven forth by need and the cycle of life.....
Response: So we are driven forth by need and the cycle of life.
Call: No house can contain our souls....
Response: As no house contains the foundation on which it is built.
Call: We will be the piles that lift the house from the water....
Response: And we will lift our spirits from the winter's flood.
Call: We will be the island in the river....
Response: The islands where the future is told...
Call: And we will see that future running like the current....
Response: Knowing not where it will lead....
Call: Save by the grace of the gods.
Response: Save by the grace of the Gods.
We gather at the river
We bring fire to the water
Our fire burns within us
The river parts before us
Beth/Poseideion II Ritual
Birch Tree Moon
Color: White
Element: Air
Altar: Upon cloth of white set the budded birch branches, a single white candle, the rune Berkana carved onto a piece of birch wood, and a bowl of clear water.
Offerings: White cakes with the Berkana rune carved upon them.
Daily Meal: Vegetarian with dairy and eggs.
Beth Invocation
Call: Now is the beginning of the year.
Response: Now is the time of stillness and cold.
Call: Now all is still and waiting upon the earth.
Response: Now the earth sleeps beneath her many blankets.
Call: Now is the time of patience.
Response: Now is the time of our longest wait.
Call: We are at peace with the Earth and with each other.
Response: We are at peace with the Earth and ready to begin.
Call: This is the month of indrawn breath.
Response: This is the time of all beginnings.
Call: May the year grow strong before us!
Response: May we grow strong before the year!
Call: For as the birch tree steps forth into the burned fields,
Response: So do we step forth into the aftermath of our own burning.
Call: For as the soft branches of the birch beat away the old year,
Response: So do we lower our heads for the strokes of the future.
Call: For as the pheasant hunts the snow for food,
Response: So do we seek through the ruins of the past.
Call: For as Frigga spins the clouds into thread,
Response: So do we circle like the spinning whorl,
Call: So do we take up the fiber of what has been,
Response: So do we bring forth the new year from our very hands.
Call: From our open hands,
Response: From our open hearts,
Call: From our open bodies,
Response: From our open souls.
Chant: Silver tree, in your branches
White of snow, stars are dancing
Tree of clouds, like thread of silver
Time runs through our hands.
Color: White
Element: Air
Altar: Upon cloth of white set the budded birch branches, a single white candle, the rune Berkana carved onto a piece of birch wood, and a bowl of clear water.
Offerings: White cakes with the Berkana rune carved upon them.
Daily Meal: Vegetarian with dairy and eggs.
Beth Invocation
Call: Now is the beginning of the year.
Response: Now is the time of stillness and cold.
Call: Now all is still and waiting upon the earth.
Response: Now the earth sleeps beneath her many blankets.
Call: Now is the time of patience.
Response: Now is the time of our longest wait.
Call: We are at peace with the Earth and with each other.
Response: We are at peace with the Earth and ready to begin.
Call: This is the month of indrawn breath.
Response: This is the time of all beginnings.
Call: May the year grow strong before us!
Response: May we grow strong before the year!
Call: For as the birch tree steps forth into the burned fields,
Response: So do we step forth into the aftermath of our own burning.
Call: For as the soft branches of the birch beat away the old year,
Response: So do we lower our heads for the strokes of the future.
Call: For as the pheasant hunts the snow for food,
Response: So do we seek through the ruins of the past.
Call: For as Frigga spins the clouds into thread,
Response: So do we circle like the spinning whorl,
Call: So do we take up the fiber of what has been,
Response: So do we bring forth the new year from our very hands.
Call: From our open hands,
Response: From our open hearts,
Call: From our open bodies,
Response: From our open souls.
Chant: Silver tree, in your branches
White of snow, stars are dancing
Tree of clouds, like thread of silver
Time runs through our hands.
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Invocation to Nerthus and Wuldorfader
Great Mother Earth beneath our feet
Who gives forth all our sustenance,
Who feeds us from your breast,
Never let us forget
How much we owe
Your eternal fertility.
Father of Glory above us,
You who send the rain
To grow your bride's crops
High enough to touch your hand,
May you be generous to us this year.
Earth and Rain, we beg you
To move in a joyful dance together
And never spend too long apart.
Invocation to Hela
Hail to Hel
Queen of Helheim
Wisest of Wights
Keeper of Secrets
Keeper of the hopes for tomorrow
Guardian of Souls
Implacable one of the frozen realm
Half the face of beauty
Half the face of Death.
You who feed the dead
At your meager table
Where everyone gets their fair share,
You who care not
About wealth or status,
About fame or fortune,
Who cares for the peasant
Equally with the ruler,
Teach us that Death is the great leveller
And that we need have no pride
When we reach your halls.
Lady who takes away
Yet holds always promise,
Teach us to praise loss and death
And the passing of all things,
For from this flux
We know your blessings flow.
Invocation to Loki
Color: Red
Element: Fire
Altar: Upon a red cloth place three red candles, a stone with the rune Os carved into it, the figure of a mare, the figure of a bird, two small round stones, and a chain.
Offerings: Examine yourself for how you manipulate others, even for their own good, or with truthful means. Be ruthless with yourself.
Daily Meal: Hot, spicy food.
Laufey's Son,
Trickster of the far north,
Delicate spawn of giants,
Wheedler and coaxer with the secret agenda,
Liar who speaks the truth others will not hear,
We call you, two-faced one whose soul burns bright,
And invite you to be critical of our souls.
You love to make us break our vows,
When those vows are made heedlessly.
You love to catch us in our own hypocrisies
And puncture our bubbles of pride.
Nothing is safe from you, no emotion
Is sacrosanct from your prodding.
What do we really think, you ask?
What are we not saying? You know,
And your shifty eyes catch ours,
Your crafty smile slips across your face,
And we blush in shame, knowing
That you have read our foolish fumblings
With the truth. For the truth is a flame that burns,
You tell us. Do not pretend to eat fire
If you are not willing to suffer the consequences,
Which is to be cast out by others.
Only when we are clear-eyed and humble
Will your gaze toward us be free of slyness.
Loki, Spirit of Truth and Lies,
Burn us with the measure of our own words.
Invocation to Thor
Hail, Thor, Lord of the Hammer!
Lord of the Storm, rumbling chariot
That tears across the sky,
Lord who speaks plainly
And has no time for intrigue
And subtle ploys,
Protector of the common man,
Warrior beloved by farmers,
Help us to untwist our tongues
And speak the fiery truth
Hurled blazing like a hammer-bolt
Across the open sky!
Invocation to Odhinn All-Father
Hail Odhinn, Lord of Asgard,
Warrior and wanderer, valiant and wise,
You to whom all the gods of Asgard look,
Sky Father on the eight-legged steed,
You who traded an eye for wisdom
And ruled a turbulent realm,
Give us the wisdom to accept
The twists and turns of Fate
Even as you surrendered yourself
To the mercies of the Norns.
Protect us, All-Father,
From what harm may come to us.
Lead us through the wilderness
And bring us safely to that great hall
That you reserve only for the brave of spirit.
Invocation to Frigga
We call you, Frigga, from your misty halls at Fensalir,
All-knowing Queen, norn-wise,
Odhinn's loved companion, splendid queen of tribes,
Blessed in triumph, binding folk together.
Lover of your people, lady bright-minded,
Bridler of kin-strife, bourne of kin-mindfulness.
Protector and peaceweaver, friendly goddess:
Your blessings give to us, to babies and brave ones,
Great-hearted queen, holding secret counsel
With god-loving soothsayers; to the wise-minded
Giving rede and wisdom, discretion and prudence.
Key-keeper mighty, in your starry cape,
You know there is no tongue in which to tell
Of all that is and that shall be;
To sort the spinning strands of possibility
Into a span of words,
Yet with your spindle and your well-strung loom
You weave the airy clouds
And send the winds to shape them,
Writing your wordless wisdom-runes
In the ever-changing valleys of the sky.
(Adapted from Winifred Hodge)
Cloth of honor from the thread of truth
Weave your heart into all you offer
Invocation to Frey and Freya
Holy sister and brother,
Lady and Lord of the Vanir,
Golden of hair as the fields of wheat
Who bring riches of heart and hearth
To noble and common folk alike
You are the security wealth can buy
And the happiness it cannot.
Lord Frey, Corn God
Warrior without a weapon
Who gave his sword for love,
You who make the grain spring forth,
Show us faith in every harvest.
Bless the bonds of those whose love
Binds them to land, to hearth,
To commitment of permanence,
O God whose wedding was cursed and blessed.
Lady Freya, warrior woman,
Chooser of the slain warriors,
Teacher of magic and mysteries,
Mistress of Seidhr and mother of jewels,
Love Goddess and Lady of Springtime,
Flowers scattered in your footsteps,
Unashamed of love and pleasure,
Help us to remember
That there are many kinds of wealth.
Bless us, Frey and Freya,
Most precious gems of Vanaheim,
With the gold of next year's grain and sun.
Invocation to Frey
Hail Frey, Lord of the fields!
Lord of the Vanir,
Golden of hair as the fields of wheat,
Bringing riches of heart and hearth
To noble and common folk alike,
We hail you with the corn that springs forth
And falls again to nourish us.
We hail you, mighty boar in flight,
Lord of the phallus that gives life,
Lord of Love that is bound to land,
Love that is bound with commitment,
Love that does not come easily,
As one must toil for the harvest.
Teach us that love is worth working for,
And that work is worth loving,
And that neither lives long without the other.
Lord Frey, Corn God,
Husband of Gerda the etin-bride,
You who can warm the cold heart,
Warrior without a weapon
Who gave your sword for love,
You who make the grain spring forth,
Show us faith in every springtime.
Invocation to Forseti
The Norse god of justice, fairness, arbitration, and reconciliation, Forseti, whose name means "presiding one," stills all strife; in other words, he's the ultimate peacemaker. He's an arbitrator in Heaven, listening to both points of view in arguments, and creating win-win solutions. He resolves differences with love so that everyone involved in the original dispute is persuaded to reconcile.
He is the son of Balder & Nanna. He is the perfect companion for those who want to learn how to put themselves into a meditative state of mind or trance-like states. He helps you to get into a calm, relaxed state of mind that leads to meditation and can help you in your meditation skills. He is also a good companion for those looking for justice & retribution.
Weekday: Friday
Planet: Mars
Month: January
Gemstone: Garnet
Color: Black
Foliage: Pine
Animal: Hedgehog
Scent: Olive
Herb: Buckeye
Associations can be used to create a closer connection with the entity. By recognizing their associations with the Earth and Universe you can use any combination of these tools to create treats, rituals, and bonding exercises between you.
You can purchase candles, incense, cones, oils, sprays, etc scented with the Scent, Herb, or Foliage they are associated with. You can purchase statuary, paintings, prints, textiles, etc with the Color, Animal, or Foliage they are associated with and keep them in your home where the entity will see them.
To boost their presence and give them a natural feeding of Earthen core energy you can buy raw, polished or cut specimens of the Gemstone they are associated with. Place the gemstones where you keep their vessel or wear the jewelry with the gemstones when you wear the vessel.
To have peak results it is best to meditate, perform rituals, invocations or spells for the entity on the Weekday they are associated with. The Month they are associated with is a block of time to celebrate and show your appreciation for your entity!
Methods of Connecting:
Time spent closely with the spirit the first 30 days of coming to the Keeper's home.
Time spent closely with the spirit the first 30 days of coming to the Keeper's home.
Treats are silver, onyx, copper
Highly mystic energy, ancient energy, powerful energy
Can manifest as orbs, streaks light, Shades, dreams, day and/or night visions.
Helps with:
Hail, Forseti, Lord of Justice,
Hand of Fairness of the Aesir.
Son of Baldur the Bright, Fallen Sun
And his faithful Nanna who followed him into death,
You stand quiet but strong on the fringes
Of the light and noise of your people.
You who are a warrior
And understand the nature of warriors,
Yet who steps between the warring parties
And finds the threads that lead to compromise.
You teach us that compromise need not be a betrayal,
But can indeed be a triumph.
You who father was slain,
Creating great rifts between the hearts of many,
Yet who demanded not vengeance or weregild
No matter how many voices cried for war,
Yet instead set yourself on a path of peace,
Until your words were seen as so just
That the Gods themselves would lay their grievances
Before you. Hail, Lord of the Great Axe
Who is not afraid to use the warrior's skill
To wage peace, and also to enforce it.
Teach us to see those with whom we quarrel
As honorable opponents worthy of our respect.
Teach us that a fair compromise,
Or better yet, a breakthrough in understanding,
Is a far better victory than one wrought of anger and blood.
Highly mystic energy, ancient energy, powerful energy
Can manifest as orbs, streaks light, Shades, dreams, day and/or night visions.
Helps with:
- Arguments, resolving
- Fairness
- Legal matters, resolving
- Peace
- Protection—especially legal in nature
- Truth issues
Hail, Forseti, Lord of Justice,
Hand of Fairness of the Aesir.
Son of Baldur the Bright, Fallen Sun
And his faithful Nanna who followed him into death,
You stand quiet but strong on the fringes
Of the light and noise of your people.
You who are a warrior
And understand the nature of warriors,
Yet who steps between the warring parties
And finds the threads that lead to compromise.
You teach us that compromise need not be a betrayal,
But can indeed be a triumph.
You who father was slain,
Creating great rifts between the hearts of many,
Yet who demanded not vengeance or weregild
No matter how many voices cried for war,
Yet instead set yourself on a path of peace,
Until your words were seen as so just
That the Gods themselves would lay their grievances
Before you. Hail, Lord of the Great Axe
Who is not afraid to use the warrior's skill
To wage peace, and also to enforce it.
Teach us to see those with whom we quarrel
As honorable opponents worthy of our respect.
Teach us that a fair compromise,
Or better yet, a breakthrough in understanding,
Is a far better victory than one wrought of anger and blood.
Invocation to Fenris
(First speaker:)
The Hag of the Iron Wood had three children,
And the daughter was Death,
The son was Destruction,
And the third encircled the World.
(Second speaker:)
I call you, Great Wolf,
But not to waking.
Sleep sound in your chains,
Sleep gently in your torment,
I would not recall you
To knowledge of your pain.
I call you in your dreams,
I call you in my dreams,
May we run together
In a world golden and fiery
Where a hundred suns
Blaze together in the sky
Like berries ripe for picking
Like rabbits to be chased.
May my wild self run with you there
And learn some measure of freedom.
(Third speaker:)
We all wear chains of our own binding,
Lest we do harm to others,
And within each of us stirs that which hates them
And desires all freedom.
Speak of him, that he may know you love him also,
Even though he must be chained!
(All speak in turn of their inner beast, and why he is worthy of love, even though he must be chained. Pour the blood out as a libation.)
Invocation to Baldur
Long, long ago, Baldur was the favored of the gods.
Of all the Aesir the most beautiful, golden and fine
As the Sun, and everywhere that he went, he shone.
All loved him on sight,
And all agreed that Baldur was to be the next King.
In his home, nothing impure was allowed,
That it might not dim his glory.
Yet it was Loki plotted his downfall,
Tricked a blind man into killing him,
And it was Hel who took him in,
Took his soul to her breast.
And so it was that all of Asgard wept
And there was sorrow flowing everywhere,
For Baldur the bright had been taken from the living
And hidden away in the twilit world.
So it was that Hermod the brave rode to Helheim
And asked for Baldur's return, but Hel would not
Be moved unless every living thing wept for him.
So it was that Frigga his mother went to every living thing
And begged them to weep for her lost son, and all wept
Save one old woman in a cave who said, "Let Hel keep her own."
And we would think this story only a tragedy,
Was it not know that at the end of days,
When the Aesir would fall, if Baldur the bright
Were present, he too would be sought out and slain.
There was only one safe place in the Nine Worlds
For the King of the Next World to wait for his throne,
And that was Helheim. Think on that mystery as he sleeps in peace.
Invocation to Angrboda
Hail, Hag of the Iron Wood!
From thy womb came
The Lady of Death,
Dark mistress of the shades;
The wolf of destruction,
The serpent all-encompassing.
Strong one who stands alone,
Who defends her children
No matter how ugly they might be,
Who defends her spouse
Even when all others revile him,
Who would die for her loved ones
Even when they are imperfect.
Your children exiled or imprisoned,
Yet the tide of death and destruction
Was not slowed an inch.
Hail, Lady whose heart
Was burned to ash by those
Who would not look upon ugliness
Lest they see in it a dark mirror
Of their own bright souls.
Chant: Angrboda Angrboda
Hag of the Iron Wood
Invocation to Aegir, Ran, and the Nine Sisters
Lord and Lady of the Depths,
Keepers of the great flocks and herds
That float by the millions
Through glass-green waves,
Lady Ran of the ten-times-fingering weed,
Your hair spread throughout the worlds,
Lord Aegir of the great currents
And the waves that keep the ship afloat,
Generous in your bounty,
Capricious in your favor,
Brewer of ale for gods and lost souls,
Keep us safe as we pass over your realm
In life, in dreams, and in mystery.
Nine Sisters of the Waves, Sacred Undines,
Daughters of Aegir and Ran, fish-tailed,
Blood on your hands and beauty in your song,
We hail you from the shores, the depths, the heights of sea-cliffs.
Kolga the Cold One, Ice-Maiden of the floes and castles.
Duva the Hidden One, Keeper of island treasures.
Blodughadda, Blood-Haired One, shark's delight.
Hronn, Sucking Whirlpool, Eel-daughter and Mistress of Fear.
Hevring, Heaving Storm, Mourning's Mistress.
Bara, Great Wave of the Whale, battering the land's stalwart stand.
Bylgja, Breaker's Dancer, Rider of the Wave-Horse.
Unn, Billowing Tides, Maiden of the Counting Moon's Rhythm.
Himinglava, Fair-Weather Mermaid, Sun Shining Through.
Teach us by the Powers of Water
How to find the way to our own souls.
Monday, June 5, 2017
The Curse of the Dark One
Light 3 black candles at midnight and repeat the following three times. If you have a bell you should ring it three times at the beginning of this ritual...
I call to the mighty bringer of light, Dark One...
"Spirits of the abyss, here my call
all most powerful one and all
My Lord my thoughts do sing
through the universe they now ring
Take thine enemy, take him smite
Break him, scorn him in the night
From the mighty depths of hell
cast your darkness on his shell
Oh Dark One, oh shinning star
Touch him, burn him from afar
Revenge now will have its day
for thine enemy starts to fray"
So it be!
During the time spent doing this hex, you should be worked up into a frenzy of anger and thinking of the darkness about to descend upon your enemy. When you are done, extinguish the candles.
A Curse to bring Discord
(I must point out this fact that if you do spells that brings harm to others harm WILL come back to you, the law of return can not be broken)
You will need a piece of thick string or yarn about 9 or 10 inches long.
You will tie 3 separate knots a couple inches apart as you recite the following before you tie each knot... so you will be reciting this 3 times...
"With this knot I seal this hex
you will not sleep, you will not rest
"With this knot I seal this hex
you will not sleep, you will not rest
Knots of anger, knots of hate
Discord brings you to your fate
I tie this second knot makes two
Bringing darkness over you
Slander, discord, evil too
Bringing darkness straight to you
With this third knot, I do bind
Weaving chaos in your mind
Hex of anger, hex of hate
Bring him down, I will not wait"
So it be now made manifest!
As you do this spell be thinking of all the chaos that it is going to bring to your enemy and make sure you are worked up into a rage before doing the spell. This will make it all the more effective!
When you are done see if you can hide this string (with the knots now tied) around you enemies home! This will make it more potent!
Conjuring Raw Energy
Use this spell for conjuring raw energies of the environment around you
Focus those energies towards a powerful goal.
The results are usually immediate, and become more powerful with practice.
Sit down with your legs crossed.
Clear your mind and become one with yourself.
Your mind truly needs to be clear in order for this to work.
Then hold out both of your arms, and have your recessive hand hand and your projective hand in a fist, both arms parallel to each other.
Feel the energies of the universe entering into your recessive hand and flowing through your body towards your projective hand.
Let the energy build up in your projective hand until you feel you have an immense amount of energy.
Then fling your arms to the right, open your projective and while doing this, and envision the energies flying towards your goal.
This, if practised, will become a very powerful and useful talent.
Focus those energies towards a powerful goal.
The results are usually immediate, and become more powerful with practice.
Sit down with your legs crossed.
Clear your mind and become one with yourself.
Your mind truly needs to be clear in order for this to work.
Then hold out both of your arms, and have your recessive hand hand and your projective hand in a fist, both arms parallel to each other.
Feel the energies of the universe entering into your recessive hand and flowing through your body towards your projective hand.
Let the energy build up in your projective hand until you feel you have an immense amount of energy.
Then fling your arms to the right, open your projective and while doing this, and envision the energies flying towards your goal.
This, if practised, will become a very powerful and useful talent.
Confidence in Social Situations
Make or buy a small draw-string bag about 1-2 inches deep.
Put in a pinch or two of each of the following:
Pine needles
Dried lavender
Piece of mandrake root
Carve your initials and a pentagram on the mandrake root and tie the bag closed.
During the waxing phase of the moon, consecrate and charge the bag.
Wear it around your neck or keep it in your pocket.
You will feel a surge of energy whenever you are in a social situation.
Put in a pinch or two of each of the following:
Pine needles
Dried lavender
Piece of mandrake root
Carve your initials and a pentagram on the mandrake root and tie the bag closed.
During the waxing phase of the moon, consecrate and charge the bag.
Wear it around your neck or keep it in your pocket.
You will feel a surge of energy whenever you are in a social situation.
Candle and Crystal Spell for Successful Study
Anoint two yellow candles with lemon oil and light them.
Take a citrine quartz, anoint with lemon oil also, and place in front of the candles so that the candlelight shines on it.
Chant the following:
Let the candles burn and charge the stone while you study.
Keep the stone with you when you need to give papers, take exams or study.
Take a citrine quartz, anoint with lemon oil also, and place in front of the candles so that the candlelight shines on it.
Chant the following:
'Charge the stone with candlelight
To fill my mind with wisdom bright
To keep my mind alert and clear
So that no bane can interfere
With the process of my brain
So what I read is knowledge gained
For all my life to stay with me
This is my will, so it will be'
Let the candles burn and charge the stone while you study.
Keep the stone with you when you need to give papers, take exams or study.
A Truth Spell
A white candle
A picture of the person or just a small piece of paper to put the persons name.
Get the white candle and light it up (at night before you go to sleep) and say:
Then blow out the candle while saying the persons name you want to put the truth spell on.
In the morning, light the candle again, say the spell again and say the person aloud, then
blow out the candle while saying the persons name... and say it through the smoke of the
candle so it can work.
A white candle
A picture of the person or just a small piece of paper to put the persons name.
Get the white candle and light it up (at night before you go to sleep) and say:
"To see the truth, to know the way, I cast a spell in every day, buy the power of three,
I Conjure thee to give thy truth, unto me."
Then blow out the candle while saying the persons name you want to put the truth spell on.
In the morning, light the candle again, say the spell again and say the person aloud, then
blow out the candle while saying the persons name... and say it through the smoke of the
candle so it can work.
General Health and Well-being Spell
White Candle
Yellow Candle
Orange Candle
Place the white candle in the center in front of you. place the yellow candle to the left and the orange candle on the right.
Focus yourself, take several deep breaths and relax.
First light the white candle and say:
Next, light the yellow candle and say:
Finally light the orange candle and say:
Take a few more deep breaths releases your stress with each exhale.
Thank the candles and extinguish them.
White Candle
Yellow Candle
Orange Candle
Place the white candle in the center in front of you. place the yellow candle to the left and the orange candle on the right.
Focus yourself, take several deep breaths and relax.
First light the white candle and say:
"I light this candle to renew my spirit"
Next, light the yellow candle and say:
"This flame fires my imagination"
Finally light the orange candle and say:
"My body is healthy and strong"
Take a few more deep breaths releases your stress with each exhale.
Thank the candles and extinguish them.
Releasing Intense Emotions Spell
a piece of unlined paper
a pen
a black candle
a bowl of purified water
Light the candle.
On the paper write down any fears, frustrations, or concerns you may be feeling.
Once you are finished fold the paper up and burn it in the candle flame.
After you burn the paper, dip your fingers in the water and sprinkle yourself with it while saying:
a piece of unlined paper
a pen
a black candle
a bowl of purified water
Light the candle.
On the paper write down any fears, frustrations, or concerns you may be feeling.
Once you are finished fold the paper up and burn it in the candle flame.
After you burn the paper, dip your fingers in the water and sprinkle yourself with it while saying:
"I release these words, I release this tension, I release this negativity from my life"
Ritual Spell to help make a difficult decision
Use two tarot cards The Fool and The World
Light a white candle
Formulate your question into asking a yes or no question as you shuffle the cards
lay the cards out and close your eyes.
Trust your inner-self and choose the first card you are drawn to.
The Fool represents no
The World represents yes
Health and Vitality Spell
White or Yellow Paper
Bay Leaf
Grains of Rice
Draw a circle on a piece of white or yellow paper.
Write on the paper the words Health, Vitality and any other words that associate with your current situation.
In the center of the paper place a bay leaf, a piece of rice for each word and a little cinnamon.
Fold the paper to hold the ingredients.
Hold the packet in hand for a moment and concentrate on your healing intentions, sending that energy into the package.
Place the paper in a fireproof container and light it on fire.
As it burns, say;
White or Yellow Paper
Bay Leaf
Grains of Rice
Draw a circle on a piece of white or yellow paper.
Write on the paper the words Health, Vitality and any other words that associate with your current situation.
In the center of the paper place a bay leaf, a piece of rice for each word and a little cinnamon.
Fold the paper to hold the ingredients.
Hold the packet in hand for a moment and concentrate on your healing intentions, sending that energy into the package.
Place the paper in a fireproof container and light it on fire.
As it burns, say;
"Sacred fire, I pray to thee,
Release all bonds and set this free
That health and vitality might come to me."
Throw the ashes to the wind.
Luck and Prosperity Spell
A Gold Candle
Jade crystal, tumbled or rough
Light the Gold Candle.
Focus on the changes you would like to happen.
Hold the stone in your hand and whisper them into the crystal.
Visualize your words combining with the crystal, repeating the words over and over.
When you feel the focus has reached within the crystal extinguish the candle.
Keep the stone with you as a reminder.
A Gold Candle
Jade crystal, tumbled or rough
Light the Gold Candle.
Focus on the changes you would like to happen.
Hold the stone in your hand and whisper them into the crystal.
Visualize your words combining with the crystal, repeating the words over and over.
When you feel the focus has reached within the crystal extinguish the candle.
Keep the stone with you as a reminder.
Salt Cleansing Rite
You will need the following items for this spell:
Jar or tin (with lid)
The salt you will require for use in this book is common white table salt. When you have cleansed your salt, remember to use it only for your mystical purposes.
Place the salt container (a jar or tin is preferable) on your altar, remove the lid and look at the salt. Let yourself relax completely and while continuing to look at the salt, imagine it glowing with a bright golden aura. Do this for a couple of minutes and then say the following words clearly and out loud:
Jar or tin (with lid)
The salt you will require for use in this book is common white table salt. When you have cleansed your salt, remember to use it only for your mystical purposes.
Place the salt container (a jar or tin is preferable) on your altar, remove the lid and look at the salt. Let yourself relax completely and while continuing to look at the salt, imagine it glowing with a bright golden aura. Do this for a couple of minutes and then say the following words clearly and out loud:
My Father, who is in Heaven. Holy is your name. May your kingdom come, may your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give me this and all my days the things I require to live my life to the full. Purify this salt and allow its immense power to work for me, bringing fulfillment to my desires. So may it be.
To prevent a Person to Escape.
From Egyptian Secrets of Albertus Magnus, Joseph H. Peterson edition:
Take a needle wherewith the gown of a corpse was sewed, and draw this needle through the hat or shoe of him whom you seek to fasten, and he cannot escape.
If a Human Being or Beast is attacked by Evil Spirits
Thou arch-sorcerer, thou has attacked N. N.; let that witchcraft recede from him into thy marrow and into thy bone, let it be returned unto thee. I exorcise thee for the sake of the five wounds of Jesus, thou evil spirit, and conjure thee for the five wounds of Jesus of this flesh, marrow and bone; I exorcise thee for the sake of the five wounds of Jesus, at this very hour restore to health again N. N., in the name of God the Father, God the Son, and of God the Holy Spirit. Three times.
To Know What Fortune Your Future Husband Will Be (Spell)
From Madam Le Marchand's Fortune Teller and Dreamers' Dictionary:
Take a walnut, a hazel-nut, and a nutmeg; grate them together and mix them with butter and sugar, and make them up into small pills, of which exactly nine must be taken on going to bed; and according to her dreams, so will be the state of the person she will marry. If a gentleman, of riches; if a clergyman, of white linen; if a lawyer, of darkness; if a tradesman, of odd noises and tumults; if a soldier or sailor, of thunder and lightning; if a servant, of rain.
To Know if Any One Shall Enjoy Their Love or Not (Spell)
From Madam Le Marchand's Fortune Teller and Dreamers' Dictionary:
Take the number of the first letter of your name, the number of the planet, and the day of the week; put all these together, and divide them by thirty; if it be above, it will come to your mind, and if below, to the contrary; and mind that number which exceeds not thirty.
To Know if a Woman with Child will Have a Girl or Boy (Spell)
From Madam Le Marchand's Fortune Teller and Dreamers' Dictionary:
Write the proper names of the father and the mother and of the month she conceived with child, and likewise adding all the numbers of those letters together, divide them by seven; and then if the remainder be even, it will be a girl; if uneven, it will be a boy.
To Know How Soon a Person Will be Married (Spell)
From Madam Le Marchand's Fortune Teller and Dreamers' Dictionary:
Get a green pea-pod in which are exactly nine peas, hand it over the door, and then take notice of the next person who comes in, who is not of the family, and if it proves a bachelor, you will certainly be married within that year.
On any Friday throughout the year -- Take rosemary flowers, bay leaves, thyme, and sweet marjoram, of each a handful; dry these and make them into a fine powder; then take a tea-spoonful of each sort, mix the powders together; then take twice the quantity of barley flour and make the whole into cake with the milk of a red cow. This cake is not to be baked, but wrapped in clean writing paper, and lead under your head any Friday night. If the person dreams of music, she will wed those she desires, and that shortly; if of fire, she will be crossed in love; if of a church, she will die single. If any thing is written or the least spot of ink is on the paper, it will not do.
Friday, June 2, 2017
What you will need: any stone ,
a green candle
and a white one
To make the healing stone: take an average stone from your yard or anywhere else
(if you have no yard or they all really suck) or you can purchase one like a tiger's eye.
Once you've got one cast your circle, call your quarters.
(if you have no yard or they all really suck) or you can purchase one like a tiger's eye.
Once you've got one cast your circle, call your quarters.
Do an alter devotion then cleanse consecrate, and empower it.
Instill the flame of a green candle and a white one to empower it with healing magic and purify it.
While doing this hold your pentacle over it and say as many healing spells as you know.
Then pour holy water on it and you're done.
Invoke the Goddess and God.
Light some candles and herbs of the correct healing property.
Place the crystal in between the Goddess and God candle
and say:
Now tough the crystal with your left hand and visualize a Luna and solar ray of
light shining down on the crystal. Feel the energies flowing through the stone.
Now hold the crystal with its point toward your body with your right hand and visualize
a light of the correct healing color radiating from the crystal to the area of you body
where you are sick, Imagine the light healing your body.
and say:
O great goddess
Shine your lunar ray of light upon this crystal
Great Goddess charge this stone with healing power
O great god
Shine you solar ray of light upon this crystal
Great God empower this stone with your magic light
Blessed be
Now tough the crystal with your left hand and visualize a Luna and solar ray of
light shining down on the crystal. Feel the energies flowing through the stone.
Now hold the crystal with its point toward your body with your right hand and visualize
a light of the correct healing color radiating from the crystal to the area of you body
where you are sick, Imagine the light healing your body.
Now point the crystal away from your body and visualize the negative energies moving out of your body through the crystal.
This rite is over.
You will need:
If you have a piece of quartz, first wash it in warm soapy water and rinse it with running water.
Then hold the crystal in both hands.
Visualize the area of your illness and point the crystal to that site.
Place your crystal under your pillow while you sleep.
quartz crystal
If you have a piece of quartz, first wash it in warm soapy water and rinse it with running water.
Then hold the crystal in both hands.
Close your eyes and imagine being bathed in white light.
Visualize the area of your illness and point the crystal to that site.
Imagine a stream of light flowing from the crystal and bathing the area in its pure rays.
Place your crystal under your pillow while you sleep.
DIVINATION, Black and White:
Spend a few minutes gathering stones.
Half should be dark and half of a lighter color.
Place them on the ground before you.
Ask your question or keep it in mind.
Close your eyes and jumble the stones around for a few seconds; then, with your left or
receptive hand, remove one of the stones.
If you picked a dark stone, the answer is yes or the prospects favorable. If light, no.
Items needed: Basic altar set-up including:
salt and bowl of water,
candle in color symbolic of need.
Shield, ground, and center.
Shield, ground, and center.
Cast circle.
Charge of the Goddess/God.
Cleanse crystal by sprinkling with water, then with salt. Say the following:
"This crystal is hereby cleansed and dedicated to the workings of the Goddess and God."
With tip of crystal, scratch image, symbolic of need, on candle (i.e., a heart for love, a dollar
sign for money, a fist for strength.
As candle is scratched, visualize your need with crystal clarity as if it had already been manifested.
Chant to raise power. Place candle in candleholder, set crystal near it, and light candle.
Watch the burning flame and again strongly visualize and chant &/or drum.
Allow the candle to burn down.
LOVE, Stone Love Spell:
Go to a place that contains many water-worn stones.
Look for a large, flat rock while visualizing yourself being involved with the perfect mate.
On this rock mark with red ink two intertwined hearts.
As you do this, keep the visualization in mind.
When you are finished, bury the stone in the earth in an uncultivated place.
Charge a small stone of Saturn correspondence to carry with you as a charm of protection-
black tourmaline,
Apache tears,
or snowflake obsidian.
Or find any dark colored stone in the
earth that feels solid, stable, and strong to you.
Find a quiet outdoor place and sprinkle a circle of salt on the ground, large enough for you to sit inside, and hold your chosen stone.
Close your eyes; ground and center, drawing Earth energy within you.
Visualize rings of energy swirling around the Saturn stone you hold, building and increasing to surround and emanate from you.
Within the rings you are strong, solid, secure, and shielded from harm.
In the future, whenever you feel the need for extra protection, hold your stone to assist you.
Take any stone.
Hold it in your projective hand for several minutes while visualizing your need.
Flood the stone with your need and with your emotional involvement with your need.
Send power out from your body to the stone.
Then throw the stone into running water.
Flood the stone with your need and with your emotional involvement with your need.
Send power out from your body to the stone.
Use your visualization to see it streaming into the rock.
Then throw the stone into running water.
It is done.
Gather 7 small pieces of turquoise.
Place the stones under a full moon, to soak up the light for seven hours.
Take the stones into your hands, and say:
Luck be quick, luck be kind,
By lucky seven, good luck be mine.
Place stones into green bag, & carry with you wherever you go.
Throw a stone into a moving body of water, stating your desire, anytime you feel the
need for a little good fortune.
3 candles- 2 light blue & 1 white
Allspice & Rosemary (equal parts each) or a Healing type incensephoto or paper with name of recipient a small quartz crystal
Place the candles on your altar or workspace in a semi-circle with the white candle
between the two blue ones. Place your incense burner above the white candle.
between the two blue ones. Place your incense burner above the white candle.
Place the person's name in the center of the layout, with the quartz crystal on top.
Light the incense then the candles.
Center yourself and inhale the incense as you
think of all ill health dispelling from the person and instead being replaced by healing
energy, much as the air is filled with the smoke of the incense.
think of all ill health dispelling from the person and instead being replaced by healing
energy, much as the air is filled with the smoke of the incense.
Gather your healing energy and when you feel ready, release the energy, directing it
through the crystal and to the recipient who's name or photo is beneath it.
Give the recipient the crystal to carry as a charm for continued good health.
To be rid of diseases, unhealthy habits, hurt feelings and any other disturbing manifestations
of life, hold any stone in your projective hand and visualize the problem in detail.
Visualize the part of you that is to be banished as entering the stone. See the problem and its
causes leaving you and infusing the stone.
When you can send no more energy into it, throw the stone onto a hot fire, throwing with it the
causes and manifestations of your problem. Stand back the stone may explode.
If you have no fire or don't wish to have rocks exploding, throw the stone into the air or into water,
thereby releasing the problem causing energy from your body. It is done.
The ancients regarded turquoise as a powerful magickal aid to ward off misfortune, illness,
and the evil eye. You can use turquoise to make your own amulet for protection.
To begin, during the waxing Moon take a piece of blue turquoise or an item of blue
turquoise jewelry and hold it in your hand for a moment. In your mind's eye, picture a
blue light surrounding you.
Hold the stone to your heart, and breathe on it to charge it
with your power, saying:
with your power, saying:
Stone of blue, surround me with protective energy.
I am protected by your soothing blue light.
Carry your turquoise with you or wear it as often as you can.
Handle it frequently to keep the spell active.
A Crystal
Some Spring Water
A Few Pinches of Salt
First purify the crystal by washing it in salt water and then rinsing it.
Then hold it in both hands while closing your eyes and imagining yourself filling with the
healing energy of the crystal. Imagine yourself bathed in a stream of pure energy which
runs from the crystal through your hands and into your body.
Sleep with the crystal under your pillow.
For general healing charge 5 lodestones (magnets) and one blue candle with healing energy.
Place the candle into a holder and light it, place the lodestones in a circle
around the candle, burn for 15 minutes a day.
Also you can sleep with one under your pillow, rub the affected areas, and
add a charged magnet to your bath.
Magnets are used to draw out the non-physical cause of the pain.
If you think you are being attacked from outside you can carry one as an amulet.
Hematite is the all-purpose grounding (energy-balancing) stone, not to mention a beautiful ornament.
Tell, or charge all your troubles to or into the rock, then put it on the ground overnight, so that the
negative energy will soak into the Earth and become neutral.
PROTECTION, The Five Pebbles
Go to a moving brook or stream.
As your hand closes over the pebbles, see them beaming out protective energies.
While standing in the water and facing downstream, remove five small pebbles from the stream bed As you do this, visualize your need for protection.
As your hand closes over the pebbles, see them beaming out protective energies.
Just as the pebbles are hard and have weathered for eons, so too will they strengthen your protective shield.
Now carry them at all times for protection.
If you wish, place them in a small pouch or a fold of cloth, or incorporate them into some form of jewelry.
The black opal is widely known as the "Witches Stone" and is prized for its magick
enhancing properties.
To increase your magical power, charge the stone with the
following chant and place it on your altar.
"Opal black, of burning fire
Add the power that's required
To make my magic hit its mark,
By light of day, or night so dark."
- ORANGE stones have some of the fire of red but are gentler in their effects. Projective, they have often been seen as symbols of the Sun and are thought to be luck attracting.
- L-SHAPED stones are thought to bring good fortune, perhaps because this form suggest the conjunction of the spiritual with the physical. They can be carried as good luck pieces or placed on the altar.
- APACHE TEAR, a globule of translucent obsidian, is carried as a good-luck charm.
- AVENTURINE is an all-around luck stone.
- COPPER is a lucky metal, perhaps because of its past solar attributions, and so can be used in combination with any luck-bringing gemstones.
- LODESTONE is carried in pairs -- one to protect and the other to bring good luck.
- TIN is carried as a good-luck piece and can be shaped into talismans to attract money.
2 candles (l pink and 1 white),
a moonstone (optional)
Place the candles on the alter, the pink one to the left and the white on to the right.
Cast a circle and light the candles. If you have a moonstone, place it on the alter.
Invite the Goddess to join you, for you will be needing her help.
Next, sprinkle the cinnamon in a figure-eight pattern around the two candles.
As you sprinkle the cinnamon, speak these words aloud:
"Oh Great Goddess of the light,
Bring me happiness, true and bright!
May a new love so true come to me!
So mote it be! Thank the Goddess and close the circle.
Either let the candles burn out, or snuff them out. Do not blow the flames out!
Moon phase: Waxing to full
You will need:
Jasmine Incense or Jasmine Essential Oil
Three stones: Rose Quartz, Garnet. Carnelian
Candles: 1 red candle, a few beeswax candles (or whatever you have about your home)
In you bedroom, open your curtains.
If it's warm enough, open your windows and let the moonshine and breezes in.
Light some candles around your bedroom and make yourself comfortable on your bed,
placing the unlit red candle on your bedside table.
Hold the stones in your power hand (the one you write with).
Visualize yourself in love; your life enhanced with love, both given and received.
What type of partner do you want to share your days with?
Don't focus on who you want, rather what you want.
Honesty, trust, respect, love. Visualizing yourself with love in your life is a wonderful thing.
Charge the three stones with the emotions you generate and your wish to attract love into your life.
Set the stones around your red candle. Light your candle and let it burn all the way down.
As the candle slowly burns, the energy you charged the stones with is slowly released.
Give thanks and close the Circle.
You can use the Stone of Luck spell for anything, love, money, health, wealth, spirit awareness, etc.
The key to this empowerment is concentration and belief.
When you have completed this spell, carry the stone around with you.
Eventually you will start to get what you want.
What you need:
1 Small stone of your choice (any kind) 1 candle (correct color for what you want)
Appropriate herbs Appropriate incense Salt Water A cloth
Oil (either olive, jasmine, or mint) Some bowls (glass or crystal)
First you need to meditate on what you want, be it money, love, better health....whatever you want.
After you feel you have meditated long enough, you may start the spell.
Light the candle and incense. (Be sure you have all of the things you need with you.)
Hold the rock in your power hand. Concentrate on what you want.
Run the rock through the flame 3 times. Then put it into the water.
Cup your hands over the bowl. Then take the rock out of the water and sprinkle the herbs on it.
After you have done that, put the rock into a dry bowl. Visualize yourself getting what you want.
Then anoint the rock with the oil and put the rock back into the dry bowl.
Sprinkle some salt onto the rock. Concentrate more.
Then wrap the rock in the cloth and leave it for at least 24 hours.
Let the candle and incense burn all the way out. Dispose of the water.
So mote it be!
This is something that can be done, alone, on a walk in the countryside, with no extra
magical 'tools' or paraphenalia. It is simple magic and down to earth paganism. It can be
applied for any need, but is particularly suitable for 'earthy' needs, such as money, housing, jobs, healing.
Take one stone, and speak (or 'think') into it your need. Place the stone firmly on the ground.
Take another and repeat, until you have a fair sized mound, or Cairn. As each stone is placed,
imagine that the magic is building and that your need is getting nearer to being met.
If you have no stones, you can still do this with imaginary stones, or pebbles, or whatever
else seems right at the particular moment.
There are many aspects of our lives which we would like to improve, but we just can't
muster up the willpower. In your time of need, a crystal can come to your aid.
You can program a crystal to help you lose weight stop smoking or overcome any negative
attitudes about yourself. For example, you want to stop eating chocolate but just can't.
You know you should stop for health reasons but you don't have the will power.
Try programming a crystal by telling it something like,
"I have completely lost any desire for chocolate."
Wear the crystal around your neck or keep it in a pocket.
Whenever you want chocolate, touch your crystal and feel the urge dissipate.
To get the most out of your crystal, you need to get the right crystal in the first place.
Pick a crystal by attraction, by being drawn to touch it, and then hold it loosely in your left hand.
Notice the impressions, colors, sounds, and feelings you pick up. No two crystals are the same.
Each crystal has its own unique vibration, and each will resonate differently. It should feel alive in
your hand, vibrate, or radiate. In other words, it should feel good.
Before you use your crystals cleanse it. The easiest way to clean your crystal is to hold it in
the bright sunlight and order it to be completely cleansed. when, program it with your desired goal.
Now, you're ready to enjoy your crystal!
To improve your own work productivity, during the waxing Moon place one hematite in
a small basket or tray and enchant it by saying:
"Ground and heal, magnetic one; bring me clarity on this day."
Add a quartz crystal to the contained and say:
"Bring boundless energy to me; may it last through this day."
Add a calcite and say:
"Stone of joy and yellow light, help me sort through my work today."
Place the container of stones on your desk and say:
"Help me work through this day; bring me inspiration.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Crystal Healing Spell
You will need the following items for this spell:
A crystal
Some fresh spring water
Sea Salt.
This spells uses a crystal to increase your health and rest during sleep.
Casting Instructions for 'Crystal Healing Spell'
- First purify the crystal by washing it in salt water then rinsing it in pure spring water.
- Hold it in both hands, close your eyes.
- Imagine yourself with the healing energy of the crystal.
- The same time, imagine yourself bathed in a stream of pure energy which runs from the crystal through your hands and into your body.
- When you have done this make sure you sleep with the crystal under your pillow at night or on a bed stand near your head.
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